
Emily Brontë




    • Poems; by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell [pseud.] (London, 1846)


    • Poems of Emily Bronte [Ed. A. Symons] (London, 1906)


    • The complete works [ed. C.K.Shorter and W.R.Nicholl; 2v.] (London, 1910-11)


    • Poems; by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell [pseud.] (London, 1846)



    • Wuthering Heights: a novel [as Ellis Bell; 2v.] (London, 1847)




    • Alexander, Christine; Sellars, Jane. The Art of the Brontës. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge UP, 1995.


    • Allen, Maggie, "Emily Brontë and the Influence of the German Romantic Poets". Brontë Studies: The Journal of the Brontë Society, (30:1), 2005: 7-10.


    • Bauman, Susan, "'Veritable Utterances': Mid-Victorian Interpretations of Emily Brontë's Poems". Brontë Studies: The Journal of the Brontë Society, (27:3), 2002: 201-09.


    • Davies, Stevie. Emily Brontë. Plymouth, England: Northcote House, 1998.


    • Gezari, Janet. Last Things: Emily Brontë's Poems. Oxford, England: Oxford UP, 2007.


    • Glen, Heather (ed. and introd.), The Cambridge Companion to The Brontës.Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2002.


    • London, Bette. Writing Double: Women's Literary Partnerships. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1999.


    • Peeck-O'Tolle, Maureen. Aspects of Lyric in the Poetry of Emily Brontë. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1988.


    • Powers, Wendy Anne, "Emily Brontë and Emily Dickinson: Parallel Lives on Opposing Shores". Brontë Studies: The Journal of the Brontë Society, (32:2), 2007:145-50.


    • Thesing, William B. (ed. and introd.), Victorian Women Poets.Detroit, MI: Thomson Gale, 1999.


    • Thormählen, Marianne. The Brontës and Education. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2007.


    • Veronese, Cosetta, "Patterns of Doubles in Emily Brontë's Poetic World". Brontë Studies: The Journal of the Brontë Society, (28:1), 2003: 47-56.


    • Vine, Steve, "Romantic Ghosts: The Refusal of Mourning in Emily Brontë's Poetry". Victorian Poetry, (37:1), 1999 Spring: 99-117.