
James Dickey - Bibliography




  • Into the Stone and Other Poems in Poems of Today VII. John Hall Wheelock (ed.). New York: Scribner's, 1960

  • Drowning with Others [poems]. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 1962

  • Helmets [poems]. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 1964.

  • The Suspect in Poetry [critical essays and reviews]. Madison, MN: Sixties Press, 1964.

  • Two Poems of the Air. Portland, OR: Conticore Press, 1964.

  • Buckdancer's Choice [poems]. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 1965.

  • Poems 1957-1967. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan, 1967..
  • Metaphor as Pure Adventure (A Lecture Delivered at the Library of Congress, December 4, 1967). Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1968.

  • Babel to Byzantium: Poets & Poetry Now [critical essays on modern poetry and poets]. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1968

  • Deliverance [novel]. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970.

  • The Eye-Beaters, Blood, Victory, Madness, Buckhead and Mercy [poems]. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1970.

  • Self-Interviews [essays on his own poetry]. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1970.
  • Sorties [novel]. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1971.
  • Jericho: The South Beheld [text by Dickey, illustrations by Hubert Shuptrine]. Birmingham, AL: Oxmoor House, 1974
  • The Zodiac [long poem]. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1976.
  • God's Images: The Bible, a New Vision [text by Dickey, illustrations by Marvin Hayes]. Birmingham, AL: Oxmoor House, 1977.
  • The Strength of Fields [single poem]. Bloomfield Hills, MI/ Columbia, SC: Bruccoli Clark, 1977.
  • The Enemy from Eden [text by JD, illustrations by Ron Sauter]. Northridge, CA: Lord John Press, 1978.
  • Tucky the Hunter [children's tale]. New York: Crown, 1978.
  • The Central Motion: Poems, 1968-1979. Middleton, CT: Wesleyan UP: 1981.
  • Falling, May Day Sermon, and Other Poems. Middleton, CT: Wesleyan UP: 1981
  • Puella [novel]. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1982.
  • Night Hurdling: Poems, Essays, Conversations, Commencements, and Afterwords. Columbia, S. C. and Bloomfield Hills, Mich.: Bruccoli Clark, 1983.
  • Bronwen the Traw, and the Shape-Shifter [children's tale]. San Diego/New York/London: Bouccoli Clark and Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1986
  • Alnilam [novel]. Garden, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1987.
  • Wayfarer: A Voice from the Southern Mountains. Birmingham, AL: Oxmoor House, 1988.
  • The Eagle's Mile [novel]. Hanover: UP of New England, 1990.
  • Southern Light. Birmingham, AL: Oxmoor House, 1991.
  • To The White Sea [novel]. Boston/New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1993.
  • The Selected Poems. Robert Kirschten (ed.). Hanover: UP of New England: 1998.


  • Baughman, Ronald. Understanding James Dickey. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1985.
  • ed. The Voiced Connections of James Dickey. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1989
  • Bloom, Harold, ed. James Dickey. New York; Chelsea House Publishers, 1987.
  • Bowers, Neal. James Dickey: The Poet as Pitchman. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1985.
  • Calhoun, Ricahrd J. & Robert W. Hill. James Dickey. Boston, Twayne: 1983.
  • Calhoun, Richard J., ed. James Dickey: The Expansive Imagination: A Collection of Critical Essays. DeLand, FL: Everett/Edwards, 1973.
  • De La Fuente, Patricia, ed. James Dickey: Splintered Sunlight. Edinburg, TX: Pan American University, 1979.
  • Eisiminger, Skip (ed.): "James Dickey Revisited". South Carolina Review 37: 2 (2005): 1-106 (Special section.).
  • Glancy, Eileen. James Dickey: The Critic as Poet. Troy, NY: Whitsun, 1971.
  • Greiner, Donald J. (ed.). Classes on Modern Poets and the Art of Poetry. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2004.
  • Kirschten, Robert, (ed.). Critical Essays on James Dickey. New York: G. K. Hall, 1994.
  • James Dickey and the Gentle Ecstasy of Earth: A Reading of the Poems. Baton Rouge: Louisiana University Press, 1988
  • (ed.). Struggling for Wings: The Art of James Dickey. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1997.
  • Suarez, Ernest. James Dickey and the Politics of Canon: Assessing the Savage Ideal. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1993.
  • Thesing, William B. & Theda Wrede (eds). The Way We Read James Dickey: Critical Approaches for the Twenty-First Century. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2009.
  • Weigl, Bruce & T. R. Hummer (eds). The Imagination of Glory: The Poetry of James Dickey. Urbana & Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1984


  • Ashley, Franklin. "James Dickey: The Art of Poetry XX". Paris Review 65-68 (Spring 1976): 52-88.
  • Autrey, Ken. "Buckdancer's Choice and the Transcendence of Music". James Dickey Newsletter 25: 1, (2008): 34-40.
  • Balakian, Peter. "Poets of Empathy". Literary Review: An International Journal of Contemporary Writing 27, no. 1 (1983): 135-46.
  • Bartlett, Lee & Hugh Witemeyer. "Ezra Pound and James Dickey: A Correspondence and a Kinship". Paídeuma 11 (1982): 290-312.
  • Baughman, Ronald. "James Dickey's War Poetry: A 'Saved, Shaken Life'". South Carolina Review 10 (April 1978): 81-88.
  • "James Dickey's Evolving Self and the Void". James Dickey Newsletter 17: 2 (2001): 8-13.
  • Bennet, Ross. "'The Firebombing': A Reappraisal". American Literature 52 (November 1980): 430-48.
  • Bloom, Harold. "James Dickey: From 'The Other' through The Early Motion". Southern Review 21 (January 1985): 63-78.
  • Bobbit, Joan. "Unnatural Order in the Poetry of James Dickey". Concerning Poetry 11 (Spring 1978): 39-44.
  • Cross, John B. "Circles of Stone: Transcendental Dialectic in the Early Poems of James Dickey". James Dickey Newsletter 14: 2 (1998): 9-20.
  • Davenport, Brenna. "Robert Frost versus James Dickey: Their Perceptions of the 'Sound of Sense'". James Dickey Newsletter 24: 1 (2007): 27-32.
  • Davison, Peter. "The Difficulties of Being Major: The Poetry of Robert Lowell and James Dickey". Atlantic Monthly 220 (October 1967): 116-21.
  • Dickey, Bronwen. "The Truth as a 'Lie': James Dickey and the Spirit of Poetic Revelation". South Carolina Review 37: 2 (2005): 19-23.
  • Flannagan, Beckie. "Whitman, Dickey, and the Poet's Assumption of Guilt". James Dickey Newsletter 25: 1 (2008): 30-34.
  • "In Defense of the Authentic: James Dickey's Critical Poetics". James Dickey Newsletter 22: 2 (2006): 17-22.
  • Fraser, Russell. "James Dickey's Dear God of the Wildness of Poetry". Southern Review(34: 1 (1998): 112-24.
  • Greiner, Donald J. "James Dickey's Library: A Lifetime of Poetry and the World of Books". James Dickey Newsletter 22: 2 (2006): 1-9.
  • Guillory, David L. "Water Magic in the Poetry of James Dickey". English Language Notes 8 (December 1970: 131-7.
  • Guinn, Matthew. "The Neo-Romantic in the Natural World: Naturalism in James Dickey's Poetry". South Atlantic Review 62: 1 (1997): 87-100.
  • Havrid, David. "In and Out of Class with James Dickey". Virginia Quarterly Review: A National Journal of Literature and Discussion 76: 3 (2000): 455-69.
  • Hayes, Aaron. "Ezra Pound and James Dickey: And We Aren't Talking about Fantasy Allusions Either". James Dickey Newsletter 24: 1 (2007): 19-25.
  • Hendricks, Randy. "Poetic Affinities: James Dickey and Robert Penn Warren".James Dickey Newsletter 24: 2 (2008): 21-28.
  • Hutchens, Eric. "The Spiritual Instinct of James Dickey". James Dickey Newsletter 24: 1 (2007): 39-45.
  • Kirschten, Robert. "The Momentum of Word-Magic in James Dickey's The Eye-Beaters, Blood, Victory, Madness, Buckhead and Mercy". Contemporary Literature 36 (Spring 1995): 130-63.
  • Landess, Thomas. "Traditional Criticism and the Poetry of James Dickey". Occasional Review 3 (Summer 1975): 5-26.
  • Lensing, George. "The Neo-Romanticism of James Dickey". South Carolina Review 10 (April 1978): 20-32.
  • Lieberman, Laurence. "Erotic Pantheism in James Dickey's Madness". South Carolina Review 26 (Spring 1994): 72-86.
  • "The Worldly Mystic". Hudson Review 20 (Autumn 1967): 513-20.
  • Meyers, Jeffrey. "Gonzo Ginsberg and Moby Dickey: A Memoir". Virginia Quarterly Review: A National Journal of Literature and Discussion 74: 3 (1998): 446-57.
  • Mizejewski, Linda. "Shamanism toward Confessionalism: James Dickey, Poet". Georgia Review 32 (Summer 1878): 409-19.
  • Oates, Joyce Carol. "Out of Stone into Flesh: The Imagination of James Dickey". Modern Poetry Studies 5, nº 2 (1974): 97-144.
  • Self, Jamie. "James Dickey's 'The Owl King' and Wordsworth's Intimations 'Ode'". James Dickey Newsletter 20: 1 (2003): 21-29.
  • Sharp, Ronald A. "Dickey and Lowell: The American Pastoral at Mid Century". TriQuarterly 116) (2003): 210-18.
  • Spears, Monroe. "James Dickey as a Southern Visionary". Virginia Quarterly 63 (Winter 1987): 110-23.
  • Suarez, Ernest. "Dickey on Melville". South Carolina Review 26 (Spring 1994): 115-26.
  • "Emerson in Viet Nam: Dickey, Bly and the New Left". Southern Literary Journal 23 (Spring 1991): 77-97.
  • "Interview with James Dickey". Contemporary Literature 31 (Summer 1990): 116-32.
  • "Towards a New Southern Poetry". Southern Review 33 (Winter 1996): 181-96
  • Thesing, William B. "James Dickey and His Contemporaries". James Dickey Newsletter 22: 2 (2006): 1-40
  • Van Ness, A. Gordon. "'Stand Waiting, My Love, Where You Are': Women in James Dickey's Early Poetry". James Dickey Newsletter 6 (Fall 1989): 2-11.
  • "When Memory Stands without Sleep: James Dickey's War Years". James Dickey Newsletter 4 (Fall 1987): 2-13
  • "The Voicing of the Perception: James Dickey and the Image of Stone". James Dickey Newsletter 12 (Fall 1995): 2-8
  • The Fiercest Hearts Are in Love with a Wild Perfection': The James Dickey/James Wright Correspondence". James Dickey Newsletter 22: 2 (2006): 10-16.
  • "'Like the Explosion of a Star': The Ecstatic Moment, James Dickey, and the Tradition". James Dickey Newsletter 24: 2 (2008): 29-35.
  • Varn, Jim. "Primordial Reunions: Motion in James Dickey's Early Poetry". James Dickey Newsletter 5 (Fall 1988): 4-14.
  • Wrigley, Robert. "Of Failure and Shadows: On James Dickey". Shenandoah: The Washington & Lee University Review 52: 2 (2002): 29-40.


  • Arnett, David L. "An Interview with James Dickey". Contemporary Literature 16 (Summer 1975): 286-300.
  • Bruccoli, Matthew J. & Judith S. Baughman (eds). Crux: The Letters of James Dickey. New York: Knopf, 1999.
  • Compton, Thorne. "Imagination at Full Stretch: An Interview with James Dickey". James Dickey Newsletter 20: 1 (2003): 31-42.
  • Greiner, Donald J. "Making the Truth: James Dickey's Last Major Interview". James Dickey Newsletter(23: 1 (2006): 1-26.
  • Suarez, Ernest. "An Interview with James Dickey: Poet as Novelist". Texas Review 17: 3-4 (1996): 128-43.
  • "James Dickey". In Ernest Suarez, , T. W Stanford., III & Amy Verner. Southbound: Interviews with Southern Poets. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1999: 3-19.
  • Smith, Randall A. "James Dickey Interview: Part One, August 11, 1995". James Dickey Newsletter 21: 1 (2004): 1-28.
  • "James Dickey Interview: Part Two, November 7, 1995". James Dickey Newsletter 21 1 (2004): 29-42.
  • Taylor, James. "'Better Things Than Life': An Interview with James Dickey". James Dickey Newsletter 16: 2 (2000): 2-10.
  • Van Ness, Gordon (ed.). The One Voice of James Dickey: His Letters and Life, 1942-1969. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 2003.