Barrett Watten
- Progress / Under Erasure. Los Angeles: Green Integer, 2004.
- Bad History. Berkeley: Atelos, 1998.
- Frame (1971-1990). Los Angeles: Sun & Moon, 1997.
- Under Erasure. La Laguna: Zasterle, 1991.
- Conduit. San Francisco: Gaz, 1988.
- Progress. New York: Roof, 1985.
- Complete Thought. Berkeley: Tuumba, 1982.
- 1-10. Berkeley: This, 1980.
- Plasma / Parallels / "X". Berkeley:Tuumba, 1979.
- Decay. San Francisco: This, 1977.
- Opera-Works. Bolinas: Big Sky, 1975.
- Radio Day in Soma City. Letterpress volume. N.p.: n.p., 1971
- Leningrad. With Michael Davidson, Lyn Hejinian, and Ron Silliman. San Francisco: Mercury House, 1991.
- The Constructivist Moment: From Material Text to Cultural Poetics. Midletown: Wesleyan UP, 2003.
- Total Syntax. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1985.
- This. Co-edited with Robert Grenier, 1-5 (1971-1974). Watten as sole editor, 6-12 (1975-1982).
- Poetics Journal. Co-edited with Lyn Hejinian. 1981-1999.
- "Women & Language." Co-edited with Lyn Hejinian, Spec. issue of Poetics Journal 4 (1984).
- "The Poetics of New Meaning." Spec. issue of Qui Parle 12.2 (Spring-Summer 2001).
- The Grand Piano. Bloomfield TWS: Mode A, 2006- .
- Plasma/Parallèles/"X." Trans. Martin Richet. Montréal: Le Quartanier, 2007
- Andrews, Bruce. "Under Erasure..." Paradise & Method: Poetics & Praxis. Evanston: Northwestern UP, 1996. 235-241.
- Blazer, Alex. "Charting Ironic Progress: The Reflexive and the Romantic in Barrett Watten's Progress," Moria 2.3 (Winter 2000). .
- Debrot, Jacques. "Barrett Watten." Dictionary of Literary Biography: American Poets since World War II. Vol. 193. Sixth Series. Ed. Joseph Conte. Detroit: Gale, 1998. 354-363.
- Friedlander, Benjamin. "Barrett Watten." Simulcast: Four Experiments in Criticism. Tuscaloosa: The U of Alabama P, 2004. 253-254.
- Hess, David. "No Surprises: On Barrett Watten" Jacket 12 (July 2000). .
- Perelman, Bob. "Anti-Map: Barrett Watten's Progress." The Marginalization of Poetry. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1996. 122-127.
- Prevallet, Kristin. "The Exquisite Extremes of Poetry." Jacket 12 (July 2000). .
- Smith, Rod, ed. Spec issue of Aerial 8 (1995): 3-302.
For complete details on Barrett Watten's cv please visit his web page