Hart Crane
Primary Sources:
- White Buildings, foreword by Allen Tate, Boni & Liveright, 1926, reprinted, Liveright, 1972.
- The Bridge, Black Sun Press, 1930, Liveright, 1930, reprinted, 1970
- The Collected Poems of Hart Crane, edited by Waldo Frank, Liveright, 1933.
- Voyages: Six Poems from White Buildings, illustrations by Leonard Baskin, Museum of Modern Art, 1957. /li>
- The Complete Poems and Selected Letters and Prose of Hart Crane, ed. Brom Weber, Doubleday/Anchor, 1966, Liveright (New York), 2000
- Ten Unpublished Poems, Gotham Book Mart, 1972.
- The Poems of Hart Crane, ed. Marc Simon, Liveright, 1986. .
- Twenty-one Letters From Hart Crane to George Bryan, ed. Joseph Katz, Hugh C. Atkinson, and Richard A. Ploch, Ohio State University Press, 1968.
- Robber Rocks: Letters and Memories of Hart Crane, 1923-1932, ed. Susan Jenkins Brown, Wesleyan University Press, 1969.
- The Letters of Hart Crane and His Family, ed. Thomas S. W. Lewis, Columbia University Press, 1974.
- Hart Crane and Yvor Winters: Their Literary Correspondence, ed. Thomas Parkinson, University of California Press, 1978.
- O My Land, My Friends: The Selected Letters of Hart Crane, Four Walls Eight Windows (New York, NY), 1997.
- Blackmur, R. P., The Double Agent: Essays in Craft and Elucidation, Arrow Editions, 1935.
- Butterfield, R. W., The Broken Arch: A Study of Hart Crane, Oliver & Boyd, 1969.
- Clark, David R., editor, The Merrill Studies in "The Bridge", Merrill, 1970.
- Clark, David R., editor, Critical Essays on Hart Crane, G. K. Hall, 1982.
- Combs, Robert, Vision of the Voyage: Hart Crane and the Psychology of Romanticism, Memphis State University Press, 1978.
- Cowley, Malcolm, Exile's Return: A Literary Odyssey of the 1920's, Viking, 1951.
- Crane, Hart, The Collected Poems of Hart Crane, edited by Waldo Frank, Liveright, 1933.
- Dembo, L. S., Hart Crane's Sanskrit Charge: A Study of The Bridge, Cornell University Press, 1960.
- Dictionary of Literary Biography, Gale, Volume 4: American Writers in Paris, 1920-1939, 1980, Volume 48: American Poets, 1880-1945, Second Series, 1986.
- Fisher, Clive, Hart Crane: A Life, Yale University Press, 2002.
- Frank, Waldo, In the American Jungle: 1925-1936, Farrar & Rinehart, 1937.
- Hanley, Alfred, Hart Crane's Holy Vision: "White Buildings", Duquesne University Press, 1981.
- Hazo, Samuel, Hart Crane: An Introduction and Interpretation, Barnes & Noble, 1963.
- Horton, Philip, Hart Crane: The Life of an American Poet, Norton, 1937.
- Leibowitz, Herbert A., Hart Crane: An Introduction to the Poetry, Columbia University Press, 1968.
- Lewis, R. W. B., The Poetry of Hart Crane: A Critical Study, Princeton University Press, 1967.
- Munson, Gorham B., Destinations: A Canvass of American Literature Since 1900, J. H. Sears, 1928.
- Nilsen, Helge Normann, Hart Crane's Divided Vision: An Analysis of The Bridge, Universitetssforlaget (Oslo, Norway), 1980.
- Paul, Sherman, Hart's "Bridge", University of Illinois Press, 1972.
- Perry, Robert L., The Shared Vision of Waldo Frank and Hart Crane, University of Nebraska Press, 1966.
- Quinn, Vincent G., Hart Crane, Twayne, 1963.
- Schwartz, Joseph, Hart Crane: A Reference Guide, G. K. Hall, 1983.
- Spears, Monroe K., Hart Crane, University of Minneapolis Press, 1965.
- Sugg, Richard P., Hart Crane's "The Bridge": A Description of Its Life, University of Alabama Press, 1976.
- Tate, Allen, Essays of Four Decades, Swallow Press, 1968.
- Trachtenbert, Alan, editor, Hart Crane: A Collection of Critical Essays, Prentice-Hall, 1982.
- Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, Gale, Volume 2, 1979, Volume 5, 1981.
- Unterecker, John, Voyager: A Life of Hart Crane, Farrar, Strauss, 1969.
- Uroff, M. D., Hart Crane: The Patterns of His Poetry, University of Illinois Press, 1974.
- Weber, Brom, Hart Crane: A Biographical and Critical Study, Bodley Press, 1948.
- Wilson, Edmund, The Shores of Light: A Literary Chronicle of the Twenties and Thirties, Farrar, Straus, 1952.