
Emily Elizabeth Dickinson



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  • DERRICK, Paul Scott (1986). Emily Dickinson, Martin Heidegger and the Poetry of Dread. Western Humanities Review 40 (Number 1): 27-38.

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  • FRANKLIN, Ralph W. (1967). The Editing of Emily Dickinson: A Reconsideration. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

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  • GRABHER, Gudrun, Roland Hagenbüchle, and Cristanne Miller. eds. (1998). The Emily Dickinson Handbook. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

  • HEGINBOTHAM, Eleanor E. (2003). Reading the Fascicles of Emily Dickinson: Dwelling in Possibilities. Columbus: Ohio State University Press.

  • HORAN, Elizabeth (1996). To Market: The Dickinson Copyright Wars. The Emily Dickinson Journal (1), 88-120.

  • LEASE, Benjamin (1993). Emily Dickinson's Readings of Men and Books: Sacred Surroundings. New York: St. Martin's Press.

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  • MAUN, Caroline (1994). Editorial Policy in the Poems of Emily Dickinson, Third Series. The Emily Dickinson Journal 3:2, 56-77.

  • MILLER, Cristanne (1989). Emily Dickinson: A Poet's Grammar. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

  • MILLER, Ruth (1968). The Poetry of Emily Dickinson. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press.

  • OBERHAUS, Dorothy Huff (1995). Emily Dickinson's Fascicles: Method and Meaning. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.

  • O'KEEFE, Martha (1979). Primal Thought: A Key in the Study of the Fascicles of Emily Dickinson. Dickinson Studies (35): 8-11.

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  • POLLAK, Vivian (1984). Dickinson: The Anxiety of Gender. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

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  • ROSENTHAL, M. L. (1983). American Originals II: Emily Dickinson's Fascicles, Chapter 3 of The Modern Poetic Sequence. New York: Oxford University Press: 45-73.

  • SCHOLL, Diane Gabrielson (1990). Emily Dickinson's Conversion Narratives: A Study of the Fascicles. Studies in Puritan American Spirituality (1): 202-24.

  • SCHURR, William H. (1983). The Marriage of Emily Dickinson: A Study of the Fascicles. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Press.

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  • SMITH, Martha Nell (1993). Rowing in Eden: Rereading Emily Dickinson. Austin: University of Texas Press.

  • SMITH, Robert McClure (1997). The Seductions of Emily Dickinson. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.

  • ST. ARMAND, Barton Levi. (1984). Emily Dickinson and Her Culture. London: Cambridge University Press.

  • STONUM, Gary Lee (1990). The Dickinson Sublime. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

  • WALSH, John Evangelist (1991). This Brief Tragedy: Unravelling the Todd-Dickinson Affair. New York: Grove Weidenfeld.