
Edward Taylor



Primary Works


  • The Poetical Works of Edward Taylor. Thomas H. Johns on (ed.). New York: Rockland Editions, 1939.
  • The Poems of Edward Taylor.Donald E. Stanford (ed.). New Haven: Yale University Press, 1960: abrid ged, 1963.
  • Edward Taylor's Christographia. Norman S. Grabo (ed.) New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 1962.
  • A Transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical History of Christianity. Donald E. Stanford (ed.). Cleveland: Micro Photo, 1962.
  • The Diary of Edward Taylor. Francis Murphy (ed.). Springfield, Mass.: Connecticut Valley Museum, 1964.
  • Edward Taylor's Treatise Concerning the Lord's Supper. Norman S. Grabo (ed.). East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1966.
  • The Unpublished Writings of Edward Taylor: volume 1, Edward Taylor's "Church Records" and Related Sermons; volume 2, Edward Taylor vs. Solomon Stoddard: The Nature of the Lord's Supper; volume 3 Edward Taylor's Mi nor Poetry. Thomas M. and Virginia L. Davis (eds). Boston: Teayne, 1981.
  • Edward Taylor's Gods Determinations and Preparatory Meditations: A Critical Edition. Daniel Patterson (ed.). Kent, OH: Kent State UP, 2002.



Secondary Works


  • Adams, Percy G. "Edward Taylor's Love Affair with Sounding Language. Essays and Poems in Honor of Donald E. Stanford." Order in Variety. Ed. R. W. Crump. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1991. 12-31.

  • Allen, Judson B. "Edward Taylor's Catholic Wasp: Exegetical Convention in 'Upon a Spider Catching a Fly'." English Language Notes 7 (1970): 257-60.

  • Bensick, Carol M. "Preaching to the Choir: Some Achievements and Shortcomings of Taylor's God's Determinations." Early American Literature 28.2 (1993): 133-47.

  • Bercovitch, Sacvan, Jesper Rosenmeier, and Ursula Brumm. Typology and Early American Literature. Amherst: U. of Mass. P, 1972.

  • Brumm, Ursula. "'Tuning' the Song of Praise: Observations on the Use of Numbers in Edward Taylor's Preparatory Meditations." Early American Literature 17.2 (1982): 103-118.

  • Brumm, Ursula. "Meditative Poetry in New England." Puritan Poets and Poetics: Seventeenth-Century American Poetry in Theory and Practice. Eds. Peter White, and Harrison T. Mesersole. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1985. 318-336.

  • Carlisle, E. F. "The Puritan Structure of Edward Taylor's Poetry." American Quarterly 20 (1968): 147-163.

  • Clark, Michael. "The Honeyed Knot of Puritan Aesthetics." Puritan Poets and Poetics: Seventeenth-Century American Poetry in Theory and Practice. Eds. Peter White, and Harrison T. Mesersole, 1985. 67-83.

  • Clark, Michael. "The Subject of the Text in Early American Literature." Early American Literature 20.2 (1985): 120-130.

  • Colacurcio, Michael J. "Gods Determinations Touching Half-Way Membership: Occasion and Audience in Edward Taylor." American Literature 39 (1967): 298-314.

  • Damico, Anthony. "The Conceit of Dyeing in Edward Taylor's Preparatory Meditations, Second Series, Number One." Early American Literature 17.3 (1982): 227-238.

  • Davis, Thomas M., and Virginia L. Davis. Edward Taylor vs. Solomon Stoddard: The Nature of the Lord's Supper. Boston: Twayne, 1981.

  • Davis, Thomas M., and Virginia L. Davis. Edward Taylor's Minor Poetry. Boston: Twayne, 1981.

  • Davis, Thomas M. "Editing Edward Taylor." Studies in Puritan American Spirituality1 (1990): 19-27.
  • Davis, Thomas M. A Reading of Edward Taylor. Newark: U of Delaware P, 1992.

  • Del Fattore, Joan. "John Webster's Metallographie: A Source for Alchemical Imagery in the Preparatory Meditations." Early American Literature 18.3 (1983): 233-241.

  • Eberwein, Jane Donahue. "'Art, Natures Ape': The Challenge to the Puritan Poet." Poetics in the Poem: Critical Essays on American Self-Reflexive Poetry. Ed. Dorothy Z. (ed. & introd.) Baker. American University Studies IV (EL&L). Series No: 184. New York: Peter Lang, 1997. 24-45.

  • Fithian, Rosemary. "'Words of My Mouth, Meditations of My Heart': Edward Taylor's Preparatory Meditations and the Book of Psalms." Early American Literature 20.2 (1985): 89-119.

  • Friend, Christy. "'My Case Is Bad. Lord, Be My Advocate': The Use of Classical Rhetoric in Edward Taylor's Meditation 1.39." Studies in Puritan American Spirituality 4 (1993): 105-24.
  • Gatta, John, Jr. "Little Lower than God: The Super-Angelic Anthropology of Edward Taylor." Harvard Theological Review 75.3 (1982): 361-368.

  • Gatta, John. Gracious Laughter: The Meditative Wit of Edward Taylor. Columbia, MO: U of Missouri P, 1989.

  • Gefvert, Constance J. Edward Taylor: An Annotated Bibliography, 1668-1970. Kent, Ohio: Kent State U.P, 1971.

  • Gelpi, Albert. The Tenth Muse: The Psyche of the American Poet. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1975.

  • Grabo, Norman S. "Edward Taylor's Spiritual Huswifery." PMLA 79 (1964): 554-560.

  • Grabo, Norman S. "God's Determinations: Touching Taylor's Critics." Seventeenth-Century News 28 (1970): 22-24.

  • Grabo, Norman S. "Colonial American Theology: Holiness and the Lyric Impulse." Essays in Honor of Russel B. Nye. Eds. Joseph J.; Mead Waldmeir, C. David. East Lansing: Michigan State U P, 1978. 74-91.

  • Grabo, Norman S. Edward Taylor. Twayne's United States Authors Series ; TUSAS 8. Rev. ed. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1988.

  • Guruswamy, Rosemary Fithian. "A Review Essay of Gracious Laughter: The Meditative Wit of Edward Taylor by John Gatta." Studies in Puritan American Spirituality 1 (1990): 88-96.
  • Haims, Lynn M. "Puritan Iconography: The Art of Edward Taylor's Gods Determinations." Puritan Poets and Poetics: Seventeenth-Century American Poetry in Theory and Practice. Eds. Peter White, and Harrison T. Mesersole, 1985. 84-98.

  • Hammond, Jeffrey A. "Reading Taylor Exegetically: The Preparatory Meditations and the Commentary Tradition." Texas Studies in Literature and Language 24.4 (1982): 347-371.

  • Hammond, Jeffrey A. "A Puritan Ars Moriendi: Edward Taylor's Late Meditations on the Song of Songs." Early American Literature 17.3 (1982): 191-214.

  • Hammond, Jeffrey A. "The Bride in Redemptive Time: John Cotton and the Canticles Controversy." The New England Quarterly: A Historical Review of New England Life and Letters 56.1 (1983): 78-102.

  • Hammond, Jeffrey A. "Approaching the Garden: Edward Taylor's Progress toward the Song of Songs." Studies in Puritan American Spirituality 1 (1990): 65-87.

  • Hammond, Jeffrey A. "Who is Edward Taylor?: Voice and Reader in the Preparatory Meditations." American Poetry 7.3 (1990): 2-19.

  • Hammond, Jeffrey A. "The Puritan Elegiac Ritual: From Sinful Silence to Apostolic Voice." Studies in Puritan American Spirituality 2 (1991): 77-106.

  • Hammond, Jeffrey. Sinful Self, Saintly Self : The Puritan Experience of Poetry. Athens:University of Georgia Press, 1993.

  • Hammond, Jeffrey A. Edward Taylor: Fifty Years of Scholarship and Criticism. Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1993.

  • Hughes, Walter. "'Meat Out of the Eater': Panic and Desire in American Puritan Poetry." Engendering Men: The Question of Male Feminist Criticism. Eds. Joseph A. Boone and Michael Cadden. New York: Routledge, 1990. 102-121.

  • Keller, Karl. "'The World Slickt Up In Types': Edward Taylor As a Version of Emerson." Early American Literature 5 (1970): 124-40.

  • Keller, Karl. The Example of Edward Taylor. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1975.

  • Keller, Karl. "Edward Taylor, the Acting Poet." Puritan Poets and Poetics: Seventeenth-Century American Poetry in Theory and Practice. Eds. Peter White, and Harrison T. Mesersole. University Park: Pennsylvania State U P, 1985. 185-197.

  • Lewalski, Barbara Kiefer. Protestant Poetics and the Seventeenth-Century Religious Lyric. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1979.

  • MacGregor, Alan Leander. "Edward Taylor and the Impertinent Metaphor." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 60.3 (1988): 337-358.

  • Mignon, Charles W. "Edward Taylor's Preparatory Meditations: A Decorum of Imperfections." PMLA 83 (1968): 1423-1428.

  • Mignon, Charles W. "Taylor's Upon the Types: The Making of the Nebraska Edition." Studies in Puritan American Spirituality 1 (1990): 28-33.

  • Miller, David G. The Word Made Flesh Made Word : The Failure and Redemption of Metaphor in Edward Taylor's Christographia. Selinsgrove, Pa.: Susquehanna University Press, 1995.

  • Munk, Linda. "Edward Taylor: Typology and Puritanism." History of European Ideas 17.1 (1993): 85-93.

  • Munk, Linda. The Devil's Mousetrap: Redemption and Colonial American Literature. Oxford, England: Oxford UP, 1997.

  • Murphy, Francis. "Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor." The Columbia History of American Poetry. Eds. Jay Parini and Brett C. Millier. New York: Columbia UP, 1993. 1-15.

  • New, Elisa. "'Both Great and Small': Adult Proportion and Divine Scale in Edward Taylor's 'Preface' and The New-England Primer." Early American Literature 28.2 (1993): 120-32.

  • Patterson, J. Daniel. "Taylor's 'Preparatory Meditation' 2.1." Explicator 43.1 (1984): 22-23.

  • Patterson, J. Daniel. "A Reconsideration of Edward Taylor's 'The Preface,' Lines 9-12." Early American Literature 20.1 (1985): 64-66.

  • Patterson, J. Daniel. "Gods Determinations: The Occasion, the Audience, and Taylor's Hope for New England." Early American Literature 22.1 (1987): 63-81.

  • Patterson, J. Daniel. "Edward Taylor's 'Christs reply,' Stanza Eight." ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 2.4 (1989): 132-133.

  • Patterson, J. Daniel. "The Last Unpublished Preparatory Meditation from Edward Taylor's 'Political Works' Manuscripts." Early American Literature 29.3 (1994): 273-75.

  • Rainwater, Catherine. "'This Brazen Serpent Is a Doctor's Shop': Edward Taylor's Medical Vision." Studies in Puritan American Spirituality 2 (1991): 51-75.

  • Reiter, Robert. "Poetry and Typology: Edward Taylor's Preparatory Mediations, Second Series, Numbers 1-30." Early American Literature 5 (1970): 111-23.

  • Rowe, Karen E. "A Biblical Illumination of Taylorian Art." American Literature40 (1968): 370-374.

  • Rowe, Karen E. "Sacred or Profane? Edward Taylor's Meditations on Canticles." Modern Philology 72 (1974): 123-38.

  • Rowe, Karen E. "Prophetic Visions: Typology and Colonial American Poetry." Puritan Poets and Poetics: Seventeenth-Century American Poetry in Theory and Practice.Eds. Peter White, and Harrison T. Mesersole. University Park: Pennsylvania State U P, 1985. 47-66.

  • Rowe, Karen E. Saint And Singer : Edward Taylor's Typology And The Poetics Of Meditation.Cambridge studies in American literature and culture. Cambridge Cambridgeshire ; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986.

  • Russell, Gene, and Karl Keller. A Concordance to the Poems of Edward Taylor. Wash., D.C.: Microcard eds, 1973.

  • Salska, Agnieszka. "Puritan Poetry: Its Public and Private Strain." Early American Literature 19.2 (1984): 107-121.

  • Sargent, Ritamarie. "Poetry and the Puritan Faith: The Elegies of Ann Bradstreet and Edward Taylor." Salzburg Studies in English Literature: Poetic Drama & Poetic Theory (PD), Salzburg, Austria. Series No: 27: 6, 1984. I 149-160.

  • Scheick, William J. The Will and the Word: The Poetry of Edward Taylor. Athens: U. of Ga. P, 1974.

  • Scheick, William J. "Typology and Allegory: A Comparative Study of George Herbert and Edward Taylor." Essays in Literature 2 (1975): 76-86.

  • Scheick, William J. "'The Inward Tacles and the Outward Traces': Edward Taylor's Elusive Transitions." Early American Literature 12 (1977): 163-76.

  • Scheick, William J. "The Jawbones Schema of Edward Taylor's Gods Determinations." Illinois Studies in Language and Literature, Champaign, IL. Series No: 65, 1979. 38-54.

  • Scheick, William J. "Edward Taylor's Optics." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 55.2 (1983): 234-240.

  • Scheick, William J. "Unfolding the Serpent in Taylor's 'Meditation 1.19'." Studies in Puritan American Spirituality 1 (1990): 34-64.

  • Schuldiner, Michael. "Edward Taylor's 'Problematic' Imagery." Early American Literature 13 (1978): 92-101.

  • Schuldiner, Michael. "The Christian Hero and the Classical Journey in Edward Taylor's 'Preparatory Meditations. First Series'." Huntington Library Quarterly: A Journal for the History and Interpretation of English and American Civilization49.2 (1986): 113-132.

  • Schuldiner, Michael. "The Conservative Puritanism of Edward Taylor." Huntington Library Quarterly: A Journal for the History and Interpretation of English and American Civilization 52.2 (1989): 295-303.

  • Schuldiner, Michael. Gifts and Works: The Post-Conversion Paradigm and Spiritual Controversy in Seventeenth-Century Massachusetts. Macon, GA: Mercer UP, 1991.

  • Schweitzer, Ivy. "Semiotics of the Sacrament in Edward Taylor's Preparatory Meditations." Praise Disjoined: Changing Patterns of Salvation in 17th-Century English Literature. Ed. William P. Shaw. Seventeenth-Century Texts and Studies. Series No: 2. New York: Peter Lang, 1991. 237-57.

  • Sebouhian, George. "Conversion Morphology and the Structure of Gods Determinations." Early American Literature 16.3 (1981): 226-240.
  • Shawcross, John T. "Some Colonial American Poetry and George Herbert." Early American Literature 23.1 (1988): 28-51.

  • Shields, John C. "Jerome in Colonial New England: Edward Taylor's Attitude toward Classical Paganism." Studies in Philology 81.2 (1984): 161-184.

  • Simmons, Jes. "Taylor's 'Upon Wedlock, and Death of Children'." Explicator42.1 (1983): 17-18.

  • Stanford, Donald E. "Edward Taylor's 'Spiritual Relations'." American Literature 35 (1964): 467-475.

  • Stanford, Donald E. "Edward Taylor." Major Writers of Early American Literature. Ed. Everett Emerson. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1972. 59-91.

  • Stanford, Donald E. "The Imagination of Death in the Poetry of Philip Pain, Edward Taylor, and George Herbert." Studies in the Literary Imagination 9.2 (1976): 53-67.

  • Stanford, Donald E. The Poems of Edward Taylor. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1989.

  • Stanford, Donald E. "The Poems of Edward Taylor: The Making of the Yale Edition." Studies in Puritan American Spirituality 1 (1990): 3-12.

  • Steiner, Prudence L. "A Garden of Spices in New England: John Cotton's and Edward Taylor's Use of the Song of Songs." Allegory, Myth, and Symbol. Ed. Morton W. Bloomfield. Harvard English Studies (HES), Cambridge, MA. Series No: 9. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1981. 227-243.

  • Taylor, Edward, Thomas Marion Davis, and Virginia L. Davis. Edward Taylor's "Church records," and related sermons. Twayne's American literary manuscripts series. Ed. Edward Taylor. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1981.

  • Taylor, Edward, et al. Edward Taylor vs. Solomon Stoddard : the nature of the Lord's Supper. Twayne's American literary manuscripts series. Ed. Edward Taylor. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1981.

  • Taylor, Edward, et al. The Tayloring Shop : Essays On The Poetry Of Edward Taylor In Honor Of Thomas M. And Virginia L. Davis. Newark, Del: University of Delaware Press, 1997.

  • White, Peter. "An Analysis of Edward Taylor's Preparatory Meditation 2.1." Concerning Poetry 11.2 (1978): 19-23