
Percy Bysshe Shelley



Posthumous portrait of Shelley writing
Prometheus Unbound Artist: Joseph Severn


  • Shelley's Poetry and Prose, ed. Donald Reiman and Sharon Powers, Norton Critical Edition, 1977; revised 2001. An excellent one-volume paperback, with well-edited texts
  • The Major Works, ed. Zachary Leader and Michael O'Neill. Oxford University Press, 2003. An excellent paperback edition.
  • The Complete Poetry, ed. Donald Reiman and Neil Fraistat, The Johns Hopkins University Press, vol. 1, 2000; vol. 2, 2004.
  • Poems, ed. G.M. Matthews and Kelvin Everest, Longman Annotated edition, vol. 1, 1989; vol. 2, 2000; vol. 3 forthcoming. A well-edited, heavily annotated scholarly edition

Sonnet on Percy Bysshe Shelley by Dante Gabriel Rossetti


  • Prose Works, ed. E.B. Murray, Oxford University Press 1993.

Manuscript changes in the poet's own copy
of Queen Mab (London: Printed by P.B. Shelley, 1813)


  • The Letters, ed. F. L. Jones, 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964.
  • Shelley and His Circle, 1773-1822, ed. Editor Kenneth Neill Cameron, 10 vols., Harvard University Press, 1961--200. It contains the documents in Carl H. Pforzheimer Collectionof Shelleyana (it includes poems, letters, and vegetarian recipes)

Queen Mab. First edition


  • Reiman, Donald. Manuscripts of the Younger Romantics: Shelley (9 vols., 1985--) and The Bodleian Shelley Manuscripts (23 vols., 1986--.

Mary Shelley


  • Gelpi, Barbara. Shelley's Goddess, Oxford University Press, 1992
  • Behrendt, Stephen, Shelley and his Audiences, University of Nebraska Press, 1989
  • Betty T. Bennett and Stuart Curran, eds. Shelley: Poet and Legislator of the World, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996
  • Cameron, Kenneth Neill. Shelley: The Golden Years, Harvard University Press, 1974. Two good studies on Shelley's life and works.
  • Cameron, Kenneth Neill. Young Shelley: Genesis of a Radical, Octagon Books, 1973.
  • Chernaik, Judith, The Lyrics of Shelley, Press of Case Western Reserve University, 1972
  • Cronin, Richard, Shelley's Poetic Thoughts, Palgrave Macmillan, 1981
  • Curran, Stuart. Shelley's "Cenci": Scorpions Ringed with Fire, Princeton University Press, 1970
  • Curran, Stuart. Shelley's Annus Mirabilis: The Maturing of an Epic Vision, Huntington Library Press, 1975. A study of the poetry of 1819--20
  • Dawson, P.M.S. The Unacknowledged Legislator: Shelley and Politics, Oxford University Press, 1980.
  • Reiman, Donald. Percy Bysshe Shelley, Twayne Publishers, 1969; rev. 1990. A good brief introduction
  • Duff, David. Romance and Revolution: Shelley and the Politics of a Genre, Cambridge University Press, 1994
  • Wasserman, Earl. Ed. Shelley: A Critical Reading, The Johns Hopkins University Press 1971. A major, comprehensive study of the poetry
  • Everest, Kelvin. ed, Shelley Revalued: Essays from the Gregynog Conference, Barnes & Noble, 1983
  • Hoagwood, T. A. Skepticism and Ideology: Shelley's Political Prose and Its Context from Bacon to Marx, University of Iowa Press, 1988
  • Hogle, Jerrold. Shelley's Process: Radical Transference and the Development of His Major Works, Oxford University Press, 1988
  • Holmes, Richard. Shelley: The Pursuit, NYRB Classics 1974. A biography.
  • Keach, William. Shelley's Style, Routledge, 1985
  • O'Neill, Michael, Romanticism and the Self-Conscious Poem, Oxford University Press, 1997
  • Shelley, Longman, 1995
  • The Human Mind's Imaginings: Conflict and Achievement in Shelley's Poetry, Oxford University Press, 1989
  • Rogers, Neville, Shelley At Work, Oxford University Press, 1967
  • Woodman, Ross. The Apocalyptic Vision in the Poetry of Shelley, University of Toronto Press, 1964
  • Sperry, Stuart. Shelley's Major Verse: The Narrative and Dramatic Poetry, Harvard University Press, 1988
  • Wolfson, Susan. Formal Charges: The Shaping of Poetry in British Romanticism, Stanford University Press, 1997)
  • Bonca, Teddi Chichester. Shelley's Mirrors of Love, State University of New York Press, 1999)
  • Clark, Timothy and Jerrold E. Hoggle, eds. Evaluating Shelley, Edinburgh University Press, 1996
  • Clark, Timothy. Embodying Revolution: The Figure of the Poet in Shelley's Poetry, Oxford University Press, 1989
  • Morton, Timothy . Shelley and the Revolution in Taste, Cambridge University Press, 2006
  • The Cambridge Companion to Shelley, Cambridge University Press, 2006
  • Webb, Timothy. Shelley: A Voice Not Understood. Humanities Press 1977. A good introductory survey.