Ron Silliman
Ron Silliman in La Jolla, California, 1991. Photo: Manuel Brito |
- Woundwood. Buffalo: Cuneiform, 2004.
- (R). New York: Drogue, 1999.
- MultiPlex. Bray: Wild Honey1998.
- Xing. Buffalo: Meow, 1996.
- N/O. New York: Roof, 1994.
- Jones. Mentor: Generator, 1993.
- Toner. Elmwood: Potes & Poets, 1992.
- Demo to Ink. Tucson: Chax, 1992.
- Manifest. La Laguna: Zasterle, 1990.
- What. Great Barrington: The Figures, 1988.
- Lit. Elmwood: Potes & Poets, 1987.
- The Age of Huts. New York: Roof, 1986.
- Paradise. Providence: Burning Deck, 1985.
- ABC. Berkeley: Tuumba, 1983.
- Bart. Elmwood: Potes & Poets, 1982.
- Tjanting. Great Barrington: The Figures, 1981.
- Sitting Up, Standing, Taking Steps. Berkeley: Tuumba, 1978.
- Ketjak. San Francisco: This, 1978.
- Nox. Providence: Burning Deck, 1974.
- Mohawk. Bowling Green: Doones, 1973.
- Crow.Ithaca: Ithaca House, 1971.
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- Leningrad. With Michael Davidson, Ron Silliman, Barrett Watten. San Francisco: Mercury House, 1991.
- Legend. With Bruce Andrews, Charles Bernstein, Ray Di Palma and Steve McCaffery. New York: Segue, 1980.
- The New Sentence. New York: Roof, 1987.
- The Grand Piano: An Experiment in Collective Autobiography, Parts I-IV. With Bob Perelman, Barrett Watten, Steve Benson, Carla Harryman, Tom Mandel, Kit Robinson, Lyn Hejinian, Rae Armantrout, and Ted Pearson. Detroit: Mode A, 2006-2007.
- Under Albany. Cambridge: Salt, 2004.
- Unfinished Business: 20 Years of Socialist Review. London: Verso, 1991.
- Socialist Review. Center for Social Research and Education, Berkeley, California. 1986-1991.
- In the American Tree. Orono: National Poetry Foundation, University of Maine, 1986.
- "Realism: An Anthology of "Language" Writing." Ironwood 20 (1983): 61-121.
- Tenderloin Times. Central City Hospitality House, San Francisco, California. 1978-1981.
- "A Symposium on Clark Coolidge." Stations 5 (Winter 1978).
- Labyrinth. Committee for Prisoner Humanity and Justice, San Rafael, California. 1973-1976.
- "The Dwelling Place: 9 Poets." Alcheringa 1.2 (1975): 104-120.
- Tottel's 1-18 (1970-81).
- "15 Young Poets of the San Francisco-Bay Area." With David Melnick. Chicago Review 21.4 (Summer, 1970): 71-136.
- Correspondence, notebooks and manuscripts (1965-86) are part of the Archive for New Poetry, Mandeville Department of Special Collections, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093
- Ron Silliman's Blog. August 2002 - present.
- Andrews, Bruce. "Self/Ideology: Corpses That Devour Their Own Flesh." Paradise & Method: Poetics & Praxis. Evanston: Northwestern UP, 1996. 208-214.
- Beckett, Tom, ed. "Ron Silliman Issue." The Difficulties 2.2 (1985).
- Brito, Manuel. "Ron Silliman's Remarks on Post-Referential Poetry." Nor Shall Diamond Die: American Studies in Honour of Javier Coy. Ed. Carme Manuel & Paul Scott Derrick. Valencia: Departament de Filologia Anglesa I Alemanya, Universitat de Valencia, 2003. 61-69.
- Lazer, Hank. "Reading and Writing Ron Silliman's Demo to Ink." Opposing Poetries: Readings. Vol. 2. Evanston: Northwestern UP, 1996. 168-176.
- Parsons, Marnie. "Balinese Bandar-Logic: Silliman's Logic." Touch Monkeys. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1994. 199-205.
- Perelman, Bob. "Parataxis and Narrative: The New Sentence in Theory and Practice." The Marginalization of Poetry. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1996. 59-78.
- Perloff, Marjorie. "Language Poetry and the Lyric Subject: Ron Silliman's "Albany," Susan Howe's "Buffalo"." Critical Inquiry 25.3 (Spring 1999): 405-434.
- Silberg, Richard. "The Science of Writing." Reading the Sphere: A Geography of Contemporary American Poetry. Berkeley: Berkeley Hills, 2002. 47-61.
- Vogler, Thomas A., ed. "Ron Silliman and The Alphabet." Quarry West 34 (1998).
For complete details on Ron Silliman's cv please visit this web page: