John Ashbery
- Turandot and Other Poems, 1953
- Some Trees, 1956
- Three Poems, 1957
- The Tennis Court Oath, 1962
- Rivers and Mountains, 1966
- The Double Dream of Spring, 1970
- The Vermont Notebook, 1975 (with Joe Brainard)
- Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror, 1975
- Houseboat Days, 1977
- As We Know, 1979
- Shadow Train, 1981
- A Wave, 1985
- Selected Poems, 1985
- April Galleons, 1987
- The Ice Storm, 1987
- Flow Chart, 1991
- Hotel Lautréamont, 1992
- And The Stars Were Shining, 1994
- Can You Hear Birds, 1995
- The Mooring of Starting Out, 1997
- Girls on the Run, 1999
- Your Name Here: Poems, 2000
- As Umbrellas Follow Rain, 2001
- Chinese Whispers: Poems, 2002
- Where Shall I Wander, 2005
- Kitaj, 1981 (with R.B. Kitaj)
- Fairfield Porter, 1982 (with others)
- Reported Sightings, Art Chronicles 1957-1987, 1989 (ed. by D. Bergman)
- A Nest of Ninnies, 1969 (with James Schuyler)
- Three Plays, 1978
- Other Traditions, 2000
- Selected Prose, 2005
- Altieri, Charles. "John Ashbery." Self and Sensibility in Contemporary American Poetry. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- ---. "Motives in Metaphor: John Ashbery and the Modernist Long Poem." Genre 11 (Winter 1978): 653-87.
- Bergman, David. Introduction. Ashbery, Reported Sightings: Art Chronicles 1957-1989. New York: Knopf, 1989. xi-xxiii.
- Boyers, Robert. "A Quest without an Object." Times Literary Supplement 1 Sept.1978: 962-63.
- Cazé, Antoine, John Ashbery (series: Voix Américaines), Paris: Belin, 2000.
- De Chirico, Giorgio. Hebdomeros, with Monsieur Dudron's Adventure and Other Metaphysical Writings. Preface by Ashbery. Cambridge: Exact Change, 1992.
- Fenton, James. "Getting Rid of the Burden of Sense." New York Times Book Review 29 Dec. 1985: 10.
- Ford, Mark. "Mount d'Espoir or Mount Despair: Early Bishop, Early Ashbery, and the French." Kelly 9-27.
- Fredman, Stephen. Poet's Prose: The Crisis of Modern American Verse. New York: Cambridge UP, 1983.
- Gardner, Thomas. "Bishop and Ashbery: Two Ways Out of Stevens." The Wallace Stevens Journal 19.2 (Fall 1995): 201-18.
- Howard, Richard. Alone with America: Essays on the Art of Poetry in the United States since 1950. Enl. Ed. New York: Athenaeum, 1980.
- Kalstone, David. "Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror." Five Temperaments. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1977.
- Keeling, John. "The Moment Unravels: Reading John Ashbery's 'Litany'." Twentieth Century Literature 38.2 (Summer 1992): 125-51.
- Kelly, Lionel, ed. Poetry and the Sense of Panic: Critical Essays on Elizabeth Bishop and John Ashbery. Rodopi: Amsterdam and Atlanta, 2000.
- Lehman, David, ed. Beyond Amazement: New Essays on John Ashbery. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1980.
- ---. The Last Avant-Garde: the Poets of the New York School and the Dynamics of Creativity, NY, Doubleday, 1998.
- Longenbach, James. "Ashbery and the Individual Talent." American Literary History 9 (1997): 103-27.
- Lundquist, Sara. "'Légèreté et Richesse': John Ashbery's English 'French Poems.'" Contemporary Literature 32 (1991): 403-21. </p>
- McCabe, Susan. "Stevens, Bishop, and Ashbery: A Surrealist Lineage." The Wallace Stevens Journal 22 (Fall 1998): 149-68.
- Molesworth, Charles. The Fierce Embrace: A Study of Contemporary American Poetry. Columbia: U of Missouri P, 1979.
- Monroe, Jonathan. "Idiom and Cliché in T.S. Eliot and John Ashbery." Contemporary Literature 31.1 (Spring 1990): 17-36.
- Moramarco, Fred. "The Painterly Poets: John Ashbery and Frank O'Hara." Journal of Modern Literature 5 (1976): 436-62.
- ---. "Coming Full Circle: John Ashbery's Later Poetry." The Tribe of John: Ashbery and Contemporary Poetry. Ed. Susan M. Schultz. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 1995. 38-59.
- Murphy, Margueritte S. "John Ashbery's Three Poems: Heteroglossia in the American Prose Poem." American Poetry 7.2 (Winter 1990): 50-63.
- ---. "John Ashbery's Three Poems: Prose and the Poetics of Inclusion." A Tradition of Subversion: The Prose Poem in English from Wilde to Ashbery (Amherst, Massachusetts, 1992),
- Norton, Jody. "'Whispers Out of Time': The Syntax of Being in the Poetry of John Ashbery." Twentieth Century Literature 41.3 (Fall 1995): 281-305.
- Perloff, Marjorie. "'Fragments of a Buried Life': John Ashbery's Dream Songs." Lehman 66-86.
- Schultz, Susan M. ed. The Tribe of John: Ashbery and Contemporary Poetry. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 1995.
- Suárez-Toste, Ernesto. "The Tension Is in the Concept: John Ashbery's Surrealism." Style 38:1 (Spring 2004): 1-15.
- Sweet, David. "'And Ut Pictura Poesis Is Her Name': John Ashbery, the Plastic Arts, and the Avant-Garde." Comparative Literature 50 (1998): 316-32.
- Ward, Geoff. Statutes of liberty: the NY School of Poets. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1993.
- Williamson, Alan. Introspection and Contemporary Poetry. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1984.
- Wolf, Leslie. "The Brushstroke's Integrity: The Poetry of John Ashbery and the Art of Painting." Lehman 224-54.