Stephen Crane
Web Site of The Stephen Crane Society.
Includes pages with background on Crane (with many interesting links), links to Crane's works online, a thorough bibliography of critical works on Crane since 1962, a page with online resources, and more.
Chapter 6 of PAL: Perspectives in American Literature.
Contains a list of primary works, a selected bibliography of critical works, a biographical sketch and study questions.,9130,1489982-,00.html
Pearson/Longman Literature of Stephen Crane.
Contains biographical background, critical overview, short bibliography, and other links.
Stephen Crane page edited by Donald Vanouse.
Contains sections on "Classroom Issues and Strategies", "Major Themes, Historical Perspectives and Personal Issues", "Significant Form, Style or Artistic Conventions", "Original Audience", "Comparisons, Contrasts, Connections", and "Questions for Reading and Discussion/Approaches ot Writing".
Website guide to lesson plans and teaching resources fot the works of Stephen Crane.
Poet's Corner Bookshelf.
Text of War Is Kind and Other Lines.