James Merrill
Critical Bibliography
- Jim's Book: A Collection of Poems and Short Stories (privately printed, 1942)
- The Black Swan (Icarus, 1946)
- First Poems (Knopf, 1951)
- Short Stories (Banyan Press, 1954)
- The Country of a Thousand Years of Peace (Knopf, 1959; rev. ed., Atheneum, 1970)
- Water Street (Atheneum, 1962)
- Nights and Days (Atheneum, 1966)
- The Fire Screen (Atheneum, 1969)
- Braving the Elements (Atheneum, 1972)
- Yannina (Phoenix Book Shop, 1973)
- The Yellow Pages: 59 Poems (Temple Bar Bookshop, 1974)
- Divine Comedies (Atheneum, 1976)
- Metamorphosis of 741 (Banyan Press, 1977)
- Mirabell: Books of Number (Atheneum, 1978)
- Scripts for the Pageant (Atheneum, 1980)
- The Changing Light at Sandover (Atheneum, 1980)
- From the First Nine: Poems 1946-1976 (Atheneum, 1982)
- From the Cutting-Room Floor (U of Nebraska P, 1983)
- Late Settings (Atheneum, 1985)
- The Inner Room (Knopf, 1988)
- Selected Poems, 1946-1985 (Knopf, 1992)
- A Scattering of Salts (Knopf, 1995)
- Self-Portrait in Tyvek(TM) Windbreaker (Dublin) 1995
- Selected Poems (Manchester, UK) 1996
- Collected Poems (2001)
- The Seraglio (Knopf, 1957; repr. Atheneum, 1987)
- The (Diblos) Notebook (Atheneum, 1965; repr.Dalkey Archive Press, 1994)
- Recitative: Prose (North Point Press, 1986)
- A Different Person: A Memoir (Knopf, 1993, repr. Harper, 1994)
- The Immortal Husband, in Playbook (New Directions, 1956)
- The Bait, in Artists Theatre (Grove, 1960)
- The Image Maker: A Play in One Act (Sea Cliff Press, 1986)
Secondary Sources: Works About James Merrill
- Adams, Don. James Merrill's Poetic Quest. Contributions to the Study of World Literature 81. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997.
- Berger, Charles. "Merrill and Pynchon: Our Apocalyptic Scribes." In Lehman 282-297.
- ---. "Mirabell: Conservative Epic." In Bloom 181-188.
- Bloom, Harold, ed. James Merrill, New York: Chelsea House, 1985.
- Brisman, Leslie. "Merrill's Yeats." In Bloom 189-198.
- Donoghue, Denis. "What the Ouija Board Said." Polito 178-181.
- Halpern, Nick. Everyday and Prophetic: The Poetry of Lowell, Ammons, Merrill and Rich. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 2003.
- Jackson, David. "Lending a Hand." James Merrill: Essays in Criticism. Eds. David Lehman and Charles Berger. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1983. 298-305.
- Jacoff, Rachel. "Merrill and Dante." In Lehman 145-158.
- Keene, Ann T. "James Merrill's Life." Modern American Poetry. Cary Nelson, ed. 17 December 2003 .
- Keller, Lynn. Re-Making It New: Contemporary American Poetry and the Modernist Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1987.
- Lehman, David, ed. James Merrill: Essays in Criticism, Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1983.
- Lehman, David. "Elemental Bravery: The Unity of James Merrill's Poetry." In Lehman 23-60.
- Lurie, Alison. Familiar Spirits: A Memoir of James Merrill and David Jackson. New York: Viking, 2001.
- Materer, Timothy. James Merrill's Apocalypse. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 2000.
- Moffett, Judith. James Merrill: An Introduction to the Poetry. New York: Columbia UP, 1984.
- Polito, Robert. A Reader's Guide to James Merrill's The Changing Light at Sandover. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1994.
- Sacks, Peter. "The Divine Translation: Elegiac Aspects of The Changing Light at Sandover." In Lehman 159-185.
- Sword, Helen. "James Merrill, Sylvia Plath, and the Poetics of the Ouija." American Literature 66 (September 1994): 553-572.
- Vendler, Helen. "James Merrill." In Bloom 69- 93.
- ---. "Mirabell: Books of Number." A Reader's Guide to James Merrill's The Changing Light at Sandover. In Polito 162-72.
- White, Heather. "An Interview with James Merrill." Ploughshares 21 (Winter 95/96) 4:190-96.
- Yenser, Stephen. The Consuming Myth: The Work of James Merrill. Cambridge: