
Elizabeth Bishop


Primary Sources:


    • North & SouthBoston: Houghton, 1946.


    • Poems: North & South-A Cold Spring.Boston: Houghton, 1955.


    • Poems.London: Chatto & Windus, 1956.


    • Questions of Travel.New York: Farrar, 1965.


    • Selected Poems.London: Chatto & Windus, 1967.


    • The Ballad of the Burglar of Babylon.New York: Farrar, 1968.


    • The Complete Poems.New York: Farrar, 1969.


    • Geography III.New York: Farrar, 1976.



    • The Complete Poems 1927-1979.New York: Farrar, 1983.



    • Brasil.Time-Life, 1962.


    • The Collected Prose.New York: Farrar, 1984.



    • Exchanging Hats: Paintings.Ed. William Benton. New York: Farrar, 1996.



    • One Art: Elizabeth Bishop's Letters.Ed. Robert Giroux. New York: Farrar, 1994



    • An Anthology of Twentieth-Century Brazilian Poetry. Trans. ed. and intro. by Elizabeth Bishop and Emanuel Brasil.Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan UP, 1972.


    • The Diary of "Helena Morley."Trans. ed. and intro. by Elizabeth Bishop of Alice Brant's novelNew York: Farrar, 1957.


Secondary Sources

    • Ashbery, John. "The Complete Poems."Bloom Bishop 5-8.


    • ---."Second Presentation to the Jury."World Literature Today 1 (Winter 1977): 8-10.


    • Benton, William. "Introduction and notes."Bishop Exchanging Hats: Paintings vii-xx.


    • Bidart, Frank. "On Elizabeth Bishop."Schwartz and Estess 214-15.


    • Bloom, Harold, ed. Modern Critical Views: Elizabeth Bishop.New York: Chelsea, 1985.


    • Booth, Philip. "The Poet as Voyager."Christian Science Monitor 58 (6 January 1966): 10.


    • Brogan, Jacqueline Vaught. "Elizabeth Bishop: Perversity as Voice."Lombardi Bishop 196-211.


    • Brown, Ashley. "An Interview with Elizabeth Bishop."Monteiro 18-32.


    • Corn, Alfred. Review of Elizabeth Bishop's Geography III.Georgia Review 31 (1977): 533-37.


    • Costello, Bonnie. Elizabeth Bishop: Questions of Mastery.Cambridge and London: Harvard UP, 1991.


    • Davison, Peter. "The Gilt Edge of Reputation."The Atlantic Monthly 217 (January 1966): 85.


    • Dickie, Margaret. "Race and Class in Elizabeth Bishop's Poetry."Yearbook of English Studies 24 (1994): 44-58.


    • Dodd, Elizabeth. The Veiled Mirror and the Woman Poet.Columbia: U of Missouri P, 1992.


    • Erkkila, Betsy. "Elizabeth Bishop, Modernism, and the Left."American Literary History 8.2 (Summer 1996): 284-310.


    • ---. The Wicked Sisters: Women Poets, Literary History, and Discord.Oxford: Oxford UP, 1992.


    • Farley, Eileen. "Pulitzer Prize-winning Poet Visits UW."Monteiro 54-56.


    • Fountain, Gary, and Peter Brazeau. Remembering Elizabeth Bishop: An Oral Biography.Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1994.


    • Ford, Mark. "Mount d'Espoir or Mount Despair: Early Bishop, Early Ashbery, and the French."Kelly 9-28.


    • Giroux, Robert. "Chronology and Introduction." One Art: Elizabeth Bishop's Letters.New York: Farrar, 1994. vii-xxv.


    • Goldensohn, Lorrie. Elizabeth Bishop: The Biography of a Poetry.New York: Columbia UP, 1992.


    • Hammer, Langdon. "The New Elizabeth Bishop."Yale Review 82.1 (1994): 135-49.


    • Handa, Carolyn Patricia. "Vision and Change: The Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop."American Poetry 3.2 (1986): 18-34.


    • Harrison, Victoria. Elizabeth Bishop's Poetics of Intimacy.Cambridge: UP, 1993.


    • Honig, Edwin. "Poetry Chronicle."Partisan Review 23 (Winter 1956): 115-17.


    • Jarrell, Randall. "On North & South."Schwartz and Estess 180-81.


    • Jefferson, Margo. "The Map Maker."Newsweek 89 (31 January 1977): 73.


    • Johnson, Alexandra. "Geography of the Imagination."Monteiro 98-104.


    • Kalstone, David. Becoming a Poet: Elizabeth Bishop with Marianne Moore and Robert Lowell.New York: Farrar, 1989.


    • ---. "Elizabeth Bishop: Questions of Mastery, Questions of Travel."Schwartz and Estess 3-31.


    • ---. "Reading Contemporary Poetry: An Example from Elizabeth Bishop."Ts. hosted at VCEBSC.


    • Keller, Lynn. Re-making It New: Contemporary American Poetry and the Modernist Tradition.New York: Cambridge UP, 1987.


    • ---. "Words Worth a Thousand Postcards: The Bishop / Moore Correspondence."American Literature 55 (1983): 405-29.


    • Kelly, Lionel, ed. Poetry and the Sense of Panic: Critical Essays on Elizabeth Bishop and John Ashbery.Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi, 2000.


    • Laurans, Penelope. "Old Correspondences: Prosodic Transformations in Elizabeth Bishop."Schwartz and Estess 75-95.


    • Lombardi, Marilyn May. "The Closet of Breath: Elizabeth Bishop, Her Body and Her Art."Twentieth Century Literature 38.2 (Summer 1992): 152-75.


    • ---, ed. Elizabeth Bishop: The Geography of Gender.Charlottesville: U of Virginia P, 1993.


    • Longenbach, James. "Elizabeth Bishop's Social Conscience."ELH 62:2 (Summer 1995): 467-86.


    • MacMahon, Candance. Elizabeth Bishop: A Bibliography 1927-1979.Charlottesville: U of Virginia P, 1980.


    • McCabe, Susan. Elizabeth Bishop. Her Poetics of Loss.University Park, PA: Penn State UP, 1994.


    • ---. "Stevens, Bishop, and Ashbery: A Surrealist Lineage."Wallace Stevens Journal 22.2 (Fall 1998): 149-68.


    • McCorkle, James. The Still Performance: Writing, Self, and Interconnection in Five Postmodern American Poets.Charlottesville: U of Virginia P, 1989.


    • McNeil, Helen. "Elizabeth Bishop." Voices and Visions. Ed. Helen Vendler.New York: Random, 1987. 394-425.


    • Messenger, Cynthia. "'But How Do You Write a Chagall?': Ekphrasis and the Brazilian Poetry of P.K. Page and Elizabeth Bishop."Canadian Literature 142-143 (Fall-Winter 1994): 102-17.


    • Millier, Brett Candlish. Elizabeth Bishop: Life and the Memory of It.Berkeley and Los Angeles: U of California P, 1993.


    • Monteiro, George, ed. Conversations with Elizabeth Bishop.Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996.


    • Moore, Marianne. "A Modest Expert."Schwartz and Estess 177-79.


    • ---. "Archaically New."Schwartz and Estess 175-76.


    • Mullen, Richard. "Elizabeth Bishop's Surrealist Inheritance."American Literature 54.1 (March 1982): 63-80.


    • Nash, Mildred. "Elizabeth Bishop's Library: A Reminiscence."Monteiro 133-38.


    • Nemerov, Howard. "The Poems of Elizabeth Bishop."Poetry December 1955: 179-80.


    • Page, Barbara. "Off-Beat Claves, Oblique Realities: The Key West Notebooks of Elizabeth Bishop."Lombardi Bishop 196-211.


    • Palattella, John. "'That Sense of Constant Re-Adjustment': The Great Depression and the Provisional Politics of Elizabeth Bishop's North & South."Contemporary Literature 34:1 (Spring 1993): 18-43.


    • Paton, Priscilla M. "Landscape and Female Desire: Elizabeth Bishop's 'Closet Tactics.'"Mosaic 31.3 (September 1998): 133-52.


    • Paz, Octavio. "Elizabeth Bishop, or the Power of Reticence."Schwartz and Estess 211-13.


    • Powers-Beck, Jeffrey. "'Time to Plant Tears': Elizabeth Bishop's Seminary of Tears."South Atlantic Review 60 (Autumn 1995): 69-87.


    • Rich, Adrienne. "The Eye of The Outsider: The Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop."Boston Review 8.2 (1983): 15-17.


    • Rodman, Seldon. "Carefully Revealed."New York Times Book Review 27 October 1946: 18.


    • Schwartz, Lloyd and Sybil P. Estess, eds. Elizabeth Bishop and Her Art.Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1983.


    • Shetley, Vernon. After the Death of Poetry: Poet and Audience in Contemporary America.Durham: Duke UP, 1993.


    • Smith, W. Jay. "New Books of Poems."Harper's 233 (August 1966): 89-91.


    • Spires, Elizabeth. "The Art of Poetry XXVII: Elizabeth Bishop."Monteiro 114-32.


    • Starbuck, George. "'The Work!': A Conversation With Elizabeth Bishop."Monteiro 82-97.


    • Stevenson, Anne. Elizabeth Bishop.New York: Twayne, 1966.


    • Strand, Mark. "A Conversation with Norman Klein."Ploughshares 2.3 (1975): 99-101.


    • ---. "Elizabeth Bishop Introduction."Schwartz and Estess 242-43.


    • Suárez-Toste, Ernesto. "'Straight from Chirico': Pictorial Surrealism and the Early Elizabeth Bishop."Studies in the Humanities 23.2 (1996): 185-201.


    • ---. "Une Machine a Coudre Manuelle: Elizabeth Bishop's Everyday Surrealism."Mosaic 33.2 (June 2000): 143-60.


    • Travisano, Thomas. "Elizabeth Bishop and the Origins of Narrative Postmodernism."Kelly 87-104.


    • ---. Elizabeth Bishop: Her Artistic Development.Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1988.


    • ---. "The Elizabeth Bishop Phenomenon."New Literary History 26.4 (1995): 903-930.


    • ---. "'The Flicker of Impudence': Delicacy and Indelicacy in the Art of Elizabeth Bishop."Lombardi Bishop 111-25.


    • ---. "Heavenly Dragons: A Newly Discovered Poem by Elizabeth Bishop"Western Humanities Review (Spring 1991): 25-33.


    • ---. Midcentury Quartet: Bishop, Lowell, Jarrell, Berryman, and the Making of a Post-modern Aesthetic.Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1999.


    • Upton, Lee. "Through the Lens of Edward Lear: Contesting Sense in Elizabeth Bishop."Studies in the Humanities 19.1 ( June 1992): 69-79.


    • Vendler, Helen. "Domestication, Domesticity, and the Otherworldly." Part of Nature, Part of Us.Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1980. 97-110.


    • Walker, Cheryl. "Metaphysical Surrealism in Bishop."Kelly 145-54.


    • ---. "Reading Elizabeth Bishop as a Religious Poet."Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 37 (November 1998): 165-72.


    • Weeks, Edward. "The Atlantic Bookshelf."The Atlantic Monthly (August 1946): 148.


    • Wehr, Wesley. "Elizabeth Bishop: Conversations and Class Notes."Monteiro 38-46.


    • Wilbur, Richard. "Elizabeth Bishop."Schwartz and Estess 263-66.


    • Williams, Oscar. "North but South."New Republic 21 October 1946: 525.


    • World Literature Today. Special Issue "Homage to Elizabeth Bishop, Our 1976 Laureate."Ed. Ivar Ivask. Winter 1977.


    • Xiaojing, Zhou. "'The Oblique, the Indirect Approach': Elizabeth Bishop's 'Rainy Season: Sub-Tropics.'"Chicago Review 40 (September 22, 1994): 75-93.