E. A. Robinson
Primary Works
- The Torrent and The Night Before. 1896. Cambridge, Mass.: Riverside Press.
- The Children of the Night. 1897. Boston: Richard G. Badger & Company.
- Captain Craig: A Book of Poems. 1902. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Company.
- The Town Down the River: A Book of Poems. 1910. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.
- Van Zorn, A Comedy in Three Acts. 1914. New York: Macmillan.
- The Porcupine, A Drama in Three Acts. 1915. New York: Macmillan.
- The Man Against the Sky: A Book of Poems. 1916. New York: Macmillan.
- Merlin: A Poem. 1917. New York: Macmillan.
- The Peterborough Idea. 1917. Privately Printed.
- Lancelot: A Poem. 1920. New York: Thomas Seltzer.
- The Three Taverns: A Book of Poems. 1920. New York: Macmillan.
- Collected Poems. 1921. New York: Macmillan.
- Avon's Harvest. 1921. New York: Macmillan.
- Roman Bartholow. 1923. New York: Macmillan.
- The Man Who Died Twice. 1924. New York: Macmillan.
- Dionysius in Doubt: A Book of Poems. 1925. New York: Macmillan.
- Tristram. 1927. New York: Macmillan.
- Collected Poems. 1927. New York: Macmillan.
- Sonnets 1889-1927. 1928. New York: Macmillan.
- Modred: A Fragment. 1929. New York, New Haven and Princeton: Brick Row Bookshop.
- Cavender's House. 1929. New York: Macmillan.
- Collected Poems. 1929. New York: Macmillan.
- The Valley of the Shadow. 1930. San Francisco: Yerba Buena Press.
- The Glory of the Nightingales. 1930. New York: Macmillan.
- Poems, Selected and with a preface by Bliss Perry. 1931. New York: Macmillan.
- Matthias at the Door. 1931. New York: Macmillan.
- Nicodemus: A Book of Poems. 1932. New York: Macmillan.
- Talifer. 1933. New York: Macmillan.
- Amaranth. 1934. New York: Macmillan.
- King Jasper. 1935. New York: Macmillan.
- Hannibal Brown. 1936. Buffalo, New York: M. Klinke.
- Collected Poems of Edwin Arlington Robinson. 1937. New York: Macmillan.
- Tilbury Town: Selected Poems of Edwin Arlington Robinson, Introduction and notes by Lawrance Thompson. 1953. New York: Macmillan.
- Richard Cary (ed.). Uncollected Poems and Prose of Edwin Arlington Robinson. 1975. Waterville, Maine: Colby College Press.
- The Poetry of E. A. Robinson, selected and with an Introduction and Notes by Robert Mezey. 1999. New York: The Modern Library.
Published Correspondence
- Special Note: Wallace Anderson intended to publish, in probably five volumes at the Harvard University Press, the complete correspondence of Robinson. Before Anderson's untimely death, he transcribed approximately eighty percent of the known letters of Robinson. Fortunately Anderson's heirs presented his massive archive to the Special Collections Department at Colby College in 2002 where it is available to scholars. Scott Donaldson has mined this collection in preparation for A Poet's Life.
- Cary, Richard (ed.). 1968. Edwin Arlington Robinson's Letters to Edith Brower. Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
- Selected Letters of Edwin Arlington Robinson. 1940. New York: Macmillan.
- Sutcliffe, Denham (ed.). 1947. Untriangulated Stars: Letters of Edwin Arlington Robinson to Harry De Forest Smith: 1890-1905. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
- Bates, Esther Willard. Edwin Arlington Robinson and His Manuscripts. 1944. Waterville, Me.: Colby College Library.
- Brown, Rollo Walter. 1937. Next Door to a Poet. New York and London: D. Appleton-Century Co.
- Coxe, Louis. 1969. Edwin Arlington Robinson: The Life of Poetry. New York: Pegasus.
- Donaldson, Scott. 2007. Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Poet's Life. New York: Columbia University Press.
- Hagedorn, Hermann. 1938. Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Biography. New York: Macmillan.
- Neff, Emery. 1948. Edwin Arlington Robinson. American Men of Letters Series. New York: William Sloane Associates.
- Richards, Laura E. 1936. E. A. R. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
- Robinson, Edwin Arlington. 1930. "The First Seven Years" in The Colophon (December).
- Smith, Chard Powers, Where the Light Falls: A Portrait of Edwin Arlington Robinson. New York: Macmillan, 1965.
Critical and Interpretative Studies: Books
- Aiken, Conrad. 1958. A Reviewer's ABC: Collected Criticism of Conrad Aiken from 1916 to the Present. New York: Meridian Books.
- Anderson, Wallace L. 1968. Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
- Barnard, Ellsworth. 1952. Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Critical Study. New York: Macmillan.
- Bloom, Harold (ed.). 1988. Edwin Arlington Robinson. New York: Chelsea.
- Cary, Richard (ed.). 1969. Appreciation of Edwin Arlington Robinson: 28 Interpretative Essays. Waterville, Maine: Colby College Press.
- Cary, Richard, 1974. The Early Reception of Edwin Arlington Robinson: The First Twenty Years. Waterville, Maine: Colby College Press.
- Cestre, Charles. 1930. An Introduction to Edwin Arlington Robinson. New York: Macmillan.
- Coxe, Louis. 1962. Edwin Arlington Robinson. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
- Franchere, Hoyt C. 1968. Edwin Arlington Robinson. New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc.
- Fussell, Edwin S. 1954. Edwin Arlington Robinson: The Literary Background of a Traditional Poet. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
- Gale, Robert L. 2006. An Edwin Arlington Robinson Encyclopedia. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland.
- Godman, Michael E. 1994. Edwin Arlington Robinson. Mankato, Minnesota: Creative Education.
- Kaplan, Estelle. 1940. Philosophy in the Poetry of Edwin Arlington Robinson. New York: Columbia University Press.
- Lowell, Amy. 1917. Tendencies in Modern American Poetry. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company at the Riverside Press.
- Morris, Lloyd. 1923. The Poetry of Edwin Arlington Robinson: An Essay in Appreciation. New York: George H. Doran Company.
- Murphy, Francis (ed.). 1970. Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
- Neff, Emery. 1948. Edwin Arlington Robinson. New York: Sloane.
- Robinson, W. R. 1967. Edwin Arlington Robinson. Cleveland, Ohio: The Press of Western Reserve University.
- Van Doren, Mark. 1927. Edwin Arlington Robinson. New York: The Literary Guild of America.
- Winters, Yvor. 1971. Edwin Arlington Robinson. New York: New Directions.
Critical and Interpretative Studies:Articles
- Amelinckx, Carol Cedar. 1990. "Death, Darkness, Desolation: Negative House-Imagery in the Poems of E. A. Robinson". University of Mississippi Studies in English (8): 72-79.
- Anderson, Wallace L. 1980. Colby Library Quarterly (16): 51-62
- Blackmur, R. P. 1934. "Verse That Is Too Easie". Poetry (January).
- Blumenthal, Anna. 1989. "The Ambivalence of Stance in Edwin Arlington Robinson's Early Poems and Letters". Style (23:1): 87-112.
- Blumenthal, Anna Sabol. 1991. "Edwin Arlington Robinson's Tilbury Town Poems and William James". Dalhousie Review, (71:4): 411-37
- Bogan, Lousie. 1931. "Tilbury Town and Beyond". Poetry (January).
- Branscomb, Jack. 1996. "Edwin Arlington Robinson's Wretched Wight: 'Miniver Cheevy' and 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci'". ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews (9:1): 17-21.
- Brown, David. 1937. "E. A. Robinson's later Poems". New England Quarterly X: 487-502.
- Budd, Louis J. 1980. "E.A. Robinson Unbends for Academe". Colby Library Quarterly (16): 248-51.
- Carpenter, Frederick I. 1938. "Tristram the Transcendent". New England Quarterly (September).
- Cervo, Nathan A. 2004. "Robinson's 'Miniver Cheevy'". Explicator (62:4): 213-15.
- Cochran, Rebecca. 1988. "Edwin Arlington Robinson's Arthurian Poems: Studies in Medievalisms?" Arthurian Interpretations (3:1): 49-60
- Cowley, Malcolm. 1948. "Edwin Arlington Robinson: Defeat and Triumph". The New Republic (December 6).
- Coxe, Louis O. "E. A. Robinson: The Lost Tradition". Sewanee Review (LXII): 247-66.
- Crowder, Richard. 1949. "E. A. Robinson's Symphony". College English (XI): 141-44.
- _____. 1953. "'The Man against the Sky'". College English XIV: 269-76.
- Dickey, James. 1972. Introduction to Selected Poems of Edwin Arlington Robinson. New York: Macmillan.
- Djos, Matts G. 2003. "The Alcoholic Isolation and Fall to Self-Destruction in Edwin Arlington Robinson's 'Mr. Flood's Party'". Popular Culture Review (14:2): 117-25.
- Donaldson, Scott. 1980. "Robinson and Music". Colby Library Quarterly (16): 63-72.
- Edwards, C. Hines, Jr. 1984. "Allusion and Symbol in Robinson's 'Eros Turannos'". Colby Library Quarterly (20:1): 47-50.
- Frost, Robert. 1935. Introduction to King Jasper. New York: Macmillan.
- Fussell, Edwin S. 1952. Edwin Arlington Robinson: The Literary Background of a Traditional Poet. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Gilman, Owen W., Jr. 1985. "Merlin: E. A. Robinson's Debt to Emerson". Colby Library Quarterly (21:3): 134-141.
- Hatlen, Burton. 2005. "Pound's Cantos and the Epic Mode in American Poetry, 1915-1931". Paideuma: Studies in American and British Modernist Poetry (34:2-3): 231-70.
- Jarman, Mark. 1999. "Robinson, Frost, and Jeffers and the New Narrative Poetry". In Gwynn, R. S. (ed. and introd.), New Expansive Poetry: Theory, Criticism, History. Ashland, OR: Story Line: 188-98. (Reprint from The New Criterion. 1983 Jan; 1(5).).
- Justice, Donald. 2000. "Benign Obscurity". In Prunty, Wyatt (ed. and preface), Sewanee Writers on Writing. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State UP, 2000: 105-16
- Lensing, George S. 1984. "E. A. Robinson: The Sad, Wry Poet". In Hagenbüchle, Roland (ed.), American Poetry Between Tradition and Modernism, 1865-1914. Regensburg: Pustet. (Regensburg: Schriftenreihe der Katholischen Univ. Eichstätt: Abteilung Sprache & Lit. 9). 122-135.
- Locklear, Glorianna. 1993. "Robinson's 'The Mill'". Explicator (51:3): 175-79.
- Loges, Max L. 2000. "Robinson's 'Mr. Flood's Party'". Explicator (58:2): 92-94
- McCoy, Dorothy Schuchman. 1982. "The Arthurian Strain in Early Twentieth-Century Literature: Cabell, T. S. Eliot, and E. A. Robinson". West Virginia University Philological Papers (28): 95-104.
- McDowell, Robert. 1985. "Recovering E. A. R. and the Narrative of Talk". New England Review and Bread Loaf Quarterly (8:1): 62-69.
- Munroe, Harriet. 1935. "Robinson as Man and Poet". Poetry (June).
- Ransom, John Crowe. 1936. "Autumn of Poetry". The Southern Review (Winter).
- Roosevelt, Theodore. 1905. "The Children of the Night". The Outlook (August).
- Stovall, Floyd. 1938. "The Optimism behind Robinson's Tragedies". American Literature (March).
- Sullivan, Winifred H. 1986. "The Double-Edged Irony of E. A. Robinson's 'Miniver Cheevy'". Colby Library Quarterly (22:3): 185-191.
- Tate, Allen. 1936. "Again, O Ye Laurels". The New Republic (October).
- Tebbetts, Terrell L. 2007. "Could Robinson Have Saved Marilyn? Scapegoating in 'Richard Cory'". Philological Review (33:1): 63-73.
- Trachtenberg, Alan. 1998. "Democracy and the Poet: Walt Whitman and E. A. Robinson". Massachusetts Review: A Quarterly of Literature, the Arts and Public Affairs (39:2): 267-80.
- Waggoner, Hyatt Howe. 1940. "E. A. Robinson and the Cosmic Chill". New England Quarterly XIII: 65-84.
- Winters, Yvor. 1945. "Religious and Social Ideas in the Didactic Work of E. A. Robinson". Arizona Quarterly I: 70-85.
- Wolf, H.R. 1970. "E.A. Robinson and the Integration of the Self." Modern American Poetry: Essays in Criticism. Ed. Jerome Mazzaro. New York: David McKay Company Inc.: 40-59.