
Ezra Pound




  • Ezra Pound Reads (New York: Caedmon, 1993)

    The two cassettes, 90 minutes long, contain Pound's reading of Hugh Selwyn Mauberley, "Cantico del Sole," "Moeurs Contemporaines," Cantos I, IV, XXXVI, XLV, LI, LXXVI (second half), LXXXIV, XCIX, "The Gypsy," and "The Exile's Letter."



  • Ezra Pound (Voices and Visions)

    This 60-minute video is originally a 1988 production of the New York Center for Visual History. Executive producer: Lawrence Pitkethly. Available as one of the whole series, 'Voices and Visions', or as a set of 4 videos (Whitman, Crane, Pound, Williams). There is also a CD-ROM version for Windows with educational material added, which is only available as a set of 14 CD-ROMs.


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