Lyn Hejinian
Photo by Carolyn Andrews |
- The Fatalist. Richmond: Omnidawn, 2003.
- My Life in the Nineties. New York: Shark, 2003.
- The Beginner. Berkeley: Tuumba, 2002.
- Slowly. Berkeley: Tuumba, 2002.
- The Beginner. New York: Spectacular, 2001.
- A Border Comedy. New York: Granary, 2001.
- Happily. Sausalito: Post-Apollo, 2000.
- A Book from a Border Comedy. Los Angeles: Seeing Eye, 1997.
- The Little Book of a Thousand Eyes. Boulder: Smoke-Proof, 1996.
- Guide, Grammar, Watch, and the Thirty Nights.Western Australia: Folio, 1996.
- The Cold of Poetry. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon, 1994.
- The Cell. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon, 1992.
- The Hunt. La Laguna: Zasterle, 1991.
- Oxota: A Short Russian Novel. Great Barrington: The Figures, 1991.
- My Life. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon, 1987.
- The Guard. Berkeley: Tuumba, 1984.
- Redo. Grenada: Salt-Works, 1984.
- My Life. Providence: Burning Deck, 1980.
- Writing Is an Aid to Memory. Great Barrington: The Figures, 1978.
- Gesualdo. Berkeley: Tuumba, 1978.
- A Mask of Motion. Providence: Burning Deck, 1977.
- A Thought Is the Bride of What Thinking. Berkeley: Tuumba, 1976.
- a gRReat adventure. N.p., 1972.
- Chartings. With Ray DiPalma. Tucson: Chax, 2000.
- Sunflower. With Jack Collom. Great Barrington: The Figures, 2000.
- Sight. With Leslie Scalapino. Washington, DC: Edge, 1999.
- Wicker. With Jack Collom. Boulder: Rodent, 1996.
- Leningrad. With Michael Davidson, Ron Silliman, and Barrett Watten. San Francisco: Mercury House, 1991.
- Individuals. With Kit Robinson. Tuscon: Chax, 1988.
- The Language of Inquiry. Berkeley: U of California P, 2000.
- The Traveler and the Hill, and the Hill. With Emilie Clark. New York: Granary, 1998.
- Two Stein Talks. Santa Fe: Weaselsleeves, 1996.
- The Best American Poetry 2004. New York: Scribner, 2004.
- Atelos. Co-edited with Travis Ortiz. 1995- .
- Poetics Journal. Co-edited with Barrett Watten. 1981-1999.
- Tuumba Press. 1976-1984, 1999- .
- Xenia. Poems by Arkadii Dragomoshchenko. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon, 1994.
- Third Wave: The New Russian Poetry. Poems by Arkadii Dragomoshchenko. Ed. Kent Johnson and Stephen Ashby. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1992.
- Description. Poems by Arkadii Dragomoshchenko. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon, 1990.
- Manuscripts, letters, and papers, 1966-2004, are housed at the Mandeville Special Collection library, University of California, San Diego.
- UCSD New Poetry Series. Poetry reading, 30 April 1980. U of California at San Diego, Special Collections.
- New Writing Series. Poetry reading, 30 October 1985. U of California at San Diego, Special Collections.
- Guess Language by Lyn Hejinian and Charles Bernstein. Madison: Audio Muzixa Qet, 1986.
- Chronic Ideas. 80 Langdon St. Talk series. San Diego: U of California at San Diego, Special Collections, 1997.
- Brito, Manuel. "Fragment, Sentence and Memory of the Self in a Poetic Neo-narrative." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 18 (Abril 1989): 191-207.
- Clark, Hilary. "The Mnemonics of Autobiography: Lyn Hejinian's My Life." Biography 14.4 (Fall 1991): 315-335.
- Dworkin, Craig Douglas. "Penelope Reworking the Twill: Patchwork, Writing, and Lyn Hejinian's My Life." Contemporary Literature 36.1 (Spring 1995): 58-80.
- Freitag, Kornelia. "'A Pause, A Rose, Something on Paper': Autobiography as Language Writing in Lyn Hejinian's My Life." Amerikastudien 43.2 (1998): 313-327.
- Naylor, Paul. "Lyn Hejinian." Poetic Investigations: Singing the Holes in History. Evanston: Northwestern UP, 1999. 106-137.
- Simpson, Megan. "Language-Oriented Feminist Epistemology, and the Case of Lyn Hejinian." Poetic Epistemologies: Gender and Knowing in Women's Language-Oriented Writing. New York: State U of New York P, 2000. 1-29.
- Vickery, Ann. "The Person as Chronic Text: From Lyn Hejinian's Gesualdo to My Life." Leaving the Lines of Gender: A Feminist Genealogy of Language Writing. Hanover: Wesleyan UP, 2000. 233-248.
- Williams, Nerys. "'What I wanted was nothing to do with monuments': Errings and Lyn Hejinian's The Guard." Rebound the American Poetry Book. Ed. Michael Hinds & Stephen Matterson. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2004. 160-181.
For complete details on Lyn Hejinian's cv please visit this web page: