Jerome Rothenberg - Bibliography
Photo by Manuel Brito |
- Triptych. New York: New Directions, 2007.
- China Notes and the Treasures of Dunhuang. Toronto: Ahadada, 2006
- The Burning Babe and Other Poems. New York: Granary, 2005.
- 25 Caprichos: After Goya. Barcelona: Kadle, 2004.
- Twelve Russian Ikons. Charleston: tel/let, 2003.
- The Treasures of Dunhuang (2). Charleston: tel/let, 2003.
- China Notes. Charleston: tel/let, 2003.
- A Book of Witness: Spells & Gris-Gris. New York: New Directions, 2003.
- A Book of Concealments. Tucson: Chax, 2003.
- The Case for Memory, & Other Poems. New York: Granary, 2001.
- A Paradise of Poets, New York: New Directions, 1999.
- The Leonardo Project: 10 + 2. San Diego: n.p., 1998.
- Paris Elegies & Improvisations. Buffalo: Meow, 1998.
- Seedings & Other Poems. New York: New Directions, 1996.
- Pictures of the Crucifixion. New York: Granary, 1995.
- Milwaukee: Membrane/Light & Dust, 1995.
- Gematria. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon, 1994.
- The Lorca Variations. (Complete). New York: New Directions, 1993.
- Six Gematria. London: Tetrad, 1992.
- Improvisations. Colescott: Dieu Don, 1992.
- The Lorca Variations (1-8). La Laguna: Zasterle, 1990.
- Khurbn & Other Poems. New York: New Directions, 1989.
- Further Sightings & Conversations. San Francisco: Pennywhistle, 1989.
- New Selected Poems 1970-1985. New York: New Directions, 1986.
- A Merz Sonata, Princeton: Emanon / Women's Studio Workshop, 1985.
- The Absence of Mirrors. London: Spot, 1984.
- 15 Flower World Variations. Milwaukee: Membrane, 1984.
- That Dada Strain. New York: New Directions, 1983.
- Vienna Blood. New York: New Directions, 1980.
- Letters & Numbers. Madison: Salient Seedling, 1979.
- B*R*M*Tz*V*H. Mt. Horeb: Perishable, 1979.
- Abulafia's Circles. Milwaukee: Membrane, 1979.
- Seneca Journal: The Serpent. St. Louis: Singing Bone, 1978.
- A Seneca Journal. (Complete). New York: New Directions, 1978.
- Narratives & Realtheater Pieces. Lot: Braad, 1977.
- The Notebooks. Milwaukee: Membrane, 1976.
- The Pirke & the Pearl. San Francisco: Tree, 1975.
- Seneca Journal: Midwinter. St. Louis: Singing Bone, 1975.
- A Poem to Celebrate the Spring & Diane Rothenberg's Birthday. Mt. Horeb: Perishable, 1975.
- The Cards. Los Angeles: Black Sparrow, 1974.
- Poland/1931. (Complete). New York: New Directions, 1974.
- Seneca Journal 1: A Poem of Beavers. Mt. Horeb: Perishable, 1973.
- Esther K. Comes to America. Santa Barbara: Unicorn, 1973.
- Poems for the Society of the Mystic Animals. London: Tetrad, 1972.
- Poems for the Game of Silence. New York: Dial, 1971
- A Book of Testimony. San Francisco: Tree, 1971.
- Poland/1931. Santa Barbara: Unicorn, 1969.
- Sightings & Red Easy a Color. London: Circle, 1968.
- Poems 1964-1967. Los Angeles: Black Sparrow, 1968.
- Conversations. Los Angeles: Black Sparrow, 1968.
- Between: Poems 1960-1963. London: Fulcrum, 1967.
- The Gorky Poems. Mexico City: El Corno Emplumado, 1966.
- Sightings I-IX. New York: Hawk's Well, 1964.
- The Seven Hells of the Jigoku Zoshi. New York: Trobar, 1962.
- White Sun Black Sun. New York: Hawk's Well, 1960.
- Selections. By María Sabina. Berkeley: U of California P, 2003.
- A Book of the Book: Some Works & Projections About the Book & Writing. Co-ed. Steven Clay. New York: Granary, 2000.
- The Book, Spiritual Instrument. Co-ed. David Guss. New York: Granary, 1996.
- Poems for the Millennium: The University of California Book of Modern & Postmodern Poetry. Co-ed. Pierre Joris. 2 vols. 1995-1998.
- Exiled in the Word: Poems & Other Visions of the Jews from Tribal Times to Present.Co-ed. Harris Lenowitz. Port Townsend: Copper Canyon, 1989.
- Symposium of the Whole: A Range of Discourse Toward an Ethnopoetics. Co-ed. Diane Rothenberg. Berkeley, U of California P, 1984.
- A Big Jewish Book: Poems & Other Visions of the Jews from Tribal Times to the Present. Co-ed. Harris Lenowitz. New York: Doubleday-Anchor, 1978.
- New Wilderness Letter. (1977-1982)
- Ethnopoetics: A New International Symposium. Co-ed. Michel Benamou. Boston: Alcheringa / Boston UP, 1976.
- Revolution of the Word: A New Gathering of American Avant-Garde Poetry 1914-1945. New York: Seabury-Continuum, 1974
- America a Prophecy: A New Reading of American Poetry from Pre-Columbian Times to the Present. Co-ed. George Quasha. New York: Random House, 1973.
- Shaking the Pumpkin: Traditional Poetry of the Indian North Americas. New York: Doubleday-Anchor, 1972.
- Alcheringa. Co-ed. Dennis Tedlock. (1970-1976)
- The 17 Horse Songs of Frank Mitchell: Nos. X-XIII. By Fran Mitchell. London: Tetrad, 1969.
- Technicians of the Sacred: A Range of Poetries from Africa, America, Asia, [Europe], & Oceania. New York: Doubleday-Anchor, 1967
- Ritual. New York: Something Else, 1966.
- some/thing. Co-ed. David Antin. (1965-1968)
- Poems from the Floating World. (1959-1963).
- Pre-Faces. NewYork: New Directions, 1982.
- Khurbn. Music Charlie Morrow. Co-ed. Makoto Oda. The Bread & Puppet Theater. August 26-27, 1995.
- Poland/1931. Adaptation Hanon Reznikov and the Living Theater. NewYork, April 1988.
- That Dada Strain. Music by Bertram Turetzky. The Center for Theater Science and Research, San Diego, California, and Lexington, New York, 1985, 1987.
- The Deputy: A Drama. By Rolf Hochhuth. Adaptation. New York: S. French, 1964.
- The Burial of The Count of Orgaz & Other Poems. By Pablo Picasso. Co-ed. Pierre Joris. Cambridge: Exact Change, 2004.
- Livre de Temoignage. Trans. Joseph Guglielmi and Tita Reut. Paris: Charles Moreau, 2002.
- Un Cruel Nirvana: 1980-2000. Trans. Heriberto Yépez and Laura Jáuregui. México D.F.: Tucán de Virginia, 2001.
- Antilyrik & Other Poems. By Viteszlav Nezval. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon, 2000.
- Delight/Délices & Other Gematria. Trans. Nicole Peyrafitte. Nimes: Ottezec, 1998.
- Flower Like a Raven: Poems. By Kurt Schwitters. New York: Granary, 1996.
- Poems Performance Pieces Proses Plays Poetics. By Kurt Schwitters. Co-ed. and co-trans. Pierre Joris. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1993.
- Okolicznoci. Trans. Tadeusz Sawek. Kodzko: Witryn Artystów, 1988.
- Poèmes pour le jeu du silence. Trans. Didier Pemerle, Jean-Pierre Faye and Jacques Roubaud. Paris: Christian Bourgois, 1978.
- Poems for People Who Don't Read Poems. By Hans Magnus Enzensberger. Co-trans. Michael Hamburger. New York: Atheneum, 1968.
- New Young German Poets. San Francisco: City Lights, 1959.
- Correspondence, notebooks and manuscripts (1944-1985) are part of the Archive for New Poetry, Mandeville Department of Special Collections, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093.
- Finkelstein, Norman. "The Messianic Ethnography of Jerome Rothenberg's Poland/1931." Contemporary Literature 40.1 (Spring 1999): 350-379.
- Garber, Frederick. "The Histories and Poetics of Jerome Rothenberg." Repositionings: Readings of Contemporary Poetry, Photography, and Performance Art. University Park: U of Pennsylvania P, 1995. 43-60.
- Lazer, Hank. "Thinking Made in the Mouth: The Cultural Politics of David Antin and Jerome Rothenberg." Opposing Poetries: Issues and Institutions. Vol. I. Evanston: Northwestern UP, 1996. 91-125.
- McAllister, H.S. "'The Language of Shamans': Jerome Rothenberg's Contribution to American Indian Literature." Western American Literature 10.4 (Winter 1976): 293-309.
- Meilicke, Christine A. Jerome Rothenberg's Experimental Poetry and Jewish Tradition. Bethlehem: Lehigh UP, 2005.
- Middleton, Peter. "The Transitive Poetics of Rothenberg's Transnational Anthologies." West Coast Line 32 (Fall 2000): 90-104.
- Power, Kevin. "Jerome Rothenberg." Una Poética Activa. Madrid: Editorial Nacional,1978. 235-254.
- Weinberger, Eliot. "Rothenberg: New York/1968." Written Reaction. New York: Marsilio, 1996. 127-131.