
Theodore Roethke


Primary Works

    • Open House. Knopf.New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1941.


    • The Lost Son and Other Poems.New York: Doubleday, 1948; London: John Lehmann, 1949.


    • Praise to the End!New York: Doubleday, 1951.


    • The Waking: Poems 1933-1953.New York: Doubleday, 1953.


    • Words for the Wind: The Collected Verse of Theodore Roethke.London: Seeker and Warburg, 1957; Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1958; Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1961.


    • I am! Says the Lamb.New York: Doubleday, 1961.


    • Sequence, Sometimes Metaphysical, Poems.Iowa City: Stone Wall Press, 1963.


    • The Collected Poems of Theodore Roethke.New York: Doubleday, 1966.


    • Party at the Zoo.New York and London: Crowell-Collier Press, 1963.


    • The Far Field.Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1964.


    • On the Poet and His Craft: Selected Prose, edited by Ralph J. MillsUniversity of Washington Press, 1965.


    • The Collected Poems of Theodore Roethke.Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1966; London: Faber and Faber, 1968. [Includes 16 previously uncollected poems, but does not include Party at the Zoo.]


    • Words for the Wind; the Collected Verse of Theodore Roethke.Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1958.


    • On the Poet and His Craft; Selected Prose.Ed. Ralph J. Mills, Jr. Seattle: U of Washington Press, 1965.


    • The Achievement of Theodore Roethke: A Comprehensive Selection of His Poems.Ed. William J. Martz. Glenview, Ill: Scott, Foresman, 1966.


    • Theodore Roethke: Selected Poems.Selected by Beatrice Roethke, London: Faber and Faber, 1969.


    • Dirty Dinkey and Other Creatures: Poems for Children.Edited by B.Roethke and Stephen Lushington, New York: Doubleday, 1973.


Biographies and Memoirs

    • Selected Letters.Ed. Ralph J. Mills, Jr. Seattle, U of Washington P 1968.


    • Straw for the Fire, from the Notebooks of Theodore Roethke, 1943-63.Ed. David Wagoner. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1972.


    • Lane, Gary, ed. A Concordance of the Poems of Theodore Roethke.Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1972.


    • McLeod, James R. Theodore Roethke: A Bibliography.Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1973. Divided into works and materials by and about Roethke.


    • McLeod, J. R. Theodore Roethke: A Manuscript Checklist.Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1971. Lists manuscripts of the works, correspondence, and notebooks held in nineteen repositories in the United States and one in Canada.


    • Moul, Keith R. Theodore Roethke's Career: An Annotated Bibliography.Boston: G. K. Hall, 1977.


    • Seager, Allan. The Glass House; the Life of Theodore Roethke.NY: McGraw-Hill 1968.



    • Balakian, Peter. Theodore Roethke's Far Fields: the Evolution of His Poetry.Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1989.


    • Blessing, Richard A. Theodore Roethke's dynamic vision.Bloomington: Indiana U.P 1974.


    • Blessing, Richard A. "Theodore Roethke: A Celebration." Tulane Studies in English 20 (1972): 169-80.


    • Bloom, Harold. ed. Theodore Roethke.NY: Chelsea, 1988.


    • Bogen, Don. Theodore Roethke and the Writing Process.Athens: Ohio UP, 1991.


    • Bogen, Don. "'Intuition' and 'Craftmanship': Theodore Roethke at Work." Papers on Language and Literature 18.1 (Wint 1982): 58-76.


    • Bowers, Neal. Theodore Roethke: The Journey from I to Otherwise.Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1982.


    • Chaney, Norman. Theodore Roethke: The Poetics of Wonder.Washington, DC: U. Press of America, 1981.


    • Gardner, Thomas. "Roethke and Medium." Review 13 (1991): 219-27.


    • Gardner, Thomas. "'North American Sequence': Theodore Roethke and the Contemporary American Long Poem." Essays in Literature 11.2 (Fall 1984): 237-252.


    • Hobbs, John. "Theodore Roethke: The Poet as Mystic." Studies in Mystical Literature 3.1 (Jan 1983): 18-42.


    • Johnson, Julie M. "'Dance On, Dance On, Dance On': Dance as Image in the Poetry of Theodore Roethke." Massachusetts Studies in English 9.1 (1983): 64-76.


    • Kalaidjian, Walter B. Understanding Theodore Roethke.Columbia: U. of South Carolina P, 1987.


    • La Belle, Jenijoy. The Echoing Wood of Theodore Roethke.Princeton: Princeton UP, 1976.


    • Lindroth, James R. "Roethke and the New Hermeneutic: Sublation and the Fusion of Horizons in 'Meditations of an Old Woman'." Green River Rev 14.2 (1983): 18-32.


    • McClatchy, D. "Sweating Light from a Stone: Identifying Theodore Roethke." Modern Poetry Studies. 3.1 (1972).


    • Malkoff, Karl. Theodore Roethke: an Introduction to the Poetry.NY: Columbia UP, 1966.


    • Malkoff, Karl. "Theodore Roethke: The Darker Side of the Dream." American Writing Today.Ed. Richard Kostelanetz. Troy, NY: Whitston, (1991): 137-45.


    • McLeod, James R. Theodore Roethke; A Bibliography.Kent: Kent State U P 1973.


    • Mills, Ralph J. Theodore Roethke.Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1963.


    • Moul, Keith R. Theodore Roethke's Career: an Annotated Bibliography.Boston: G. K. Hall, 1977.


    • Nelson, Cary. Our Last First Poets: Vision and History in Contemporary American Poetry.Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1981.


    • Parini, Jay. Theodore Roethke, an American Romantic.Amherst: U of Massachusetts Press, 1979.


    • Rosenthal, M.L. The New Poets.New York: Oxford University Press, 1967.


    • Ross-Bryant, Lynn. Theodore Roethke, Poetry of the Earth, Poet of the Spirit.Port Washington, NY: Kennikat P, 1981.


    • Scott, Nathan A. The Wild Prayer of Longing; Poetry and the Sacred.New Haven, Yale UP, 1971.


    • Staples, Hugh B. "The Rose in the Sea-Wind: A Reading of Theodore Roethke's 'North American Sequence,'" American Literature 36 (1964).


    • Stein, Arnold S. Theodore Roethke; Essays on the Poetry.Seattle: U of Washington Press, 1965.


    • Stiffler, Randall. Theodore Roethke: the Poet and His Critics.Chicago: American Library Association, 1986.


    • Sullivan, Rosemary. Theodore Roethke: the Garden Master.Seattle: U of Washington Press, 1975.


    • Tuten, Nancy L. "Theodore Roethke and Galway Kinnell: Voices in Contemporary American Romanticism." Northwest Review 29.2 (1991): 126-42.


    • Walker, Ursula G. Notes on Theodore Roethke. Charlottesville, Va.: Bibliographical Society of the U of Virginia, 1968.


    • Vanderbilt, Kermit. "Theodore Roethke as a Northwest Poet." In Northwest Perspectives: Essays on the Culture of the Pacific Northwest, edited by Edwin R. Bingham and Glen A. Love.Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1979.


    • Williams, Harry. "The Edge is What I have": Theodore Roethke and After.Lewisburg, Pa.: Bucknell UP, 1977.


    • Wolff, George. Theodore Roethke.Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1981.