Kenneth Koch
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Kenneth Koch's Academy of American Poets page
New York Review of Books essay by Kenneth Koch, "On the Language of Poetry"
New York Times Kenneth Koch links
Real Audio of interview with Kenneth Koch
Transcript of 2001 Cincinnati City Beat interview with Kenneth Koch
Transcript of PBS interview in 1996
FRANCE HONORS KENNETH KOCH with the insigna of the Order of Arts and Letters New York - May 12, 2000 and transcript of interview about French culture
Interview with Kenneth Koch by David Kennedy in 1993
Interview with Kenneth Koch on Jacket
Kenneth Koch on "What's American About American Poetry" for Poetry Society of America
Kenneth Koch receives John Steinbeck Award
Kenneth Koch receives Bollingen Prize
Kenneth Koch inducted in Academy of Arts and Letters
"To Yes" in American Poetry Review
"To Psychoanalysis" in New York Review of Books
"On Aesthetics" on DIA Museum site
"To Old Age" on Poetry Daily
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